I saw that. I have a hard time believing it though. Some of their recent polls show that Democrats in districts with disgraced Republicans Tom DeLay and Mark Foley are barely winning or its statistically tied. Republicans may lose DeLay's seat, not because people want the Democrat but because some people may not know they have to put in Shelley Sekulla-Gibbs' whole name down rather than just "Gibbs". The Democrats also want to confuse Republican voters in Foley's district by keeping Foley's name on the ballot and not allowing there to be a note saying "A vote for FOley is a vote for Negron".
If George Allen loses, he would kinda deserve it with his "macaca" comment. Regardless of if it was meant to be racist or not, it seems kinda assholish bullying some kid who is just a campaign worker.
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If George Allen loses, he would kinda deserve it with his "macaca" comment. Regardless of if it was meant to be racist or not, it seems kinda assholish bullying some kid who is just a campaign worker.
A Democrat Congress Member even said, "He blew it for us in '04, now he's blowing it for us in '06."
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