
Jan 02, 2012 13:00

Happy New Year everybody! I'll prolly do one of those year meme thingies when I have time. Just want to wish everyone a better year than the last (which for me, for the most part, was rock bottom, so my standards aren't set high). Go out there and be awesome!

Also, does anyone have any recommendations for things to do/places to eat in Charleston, SC? (on a budget and a time crunch). I'm going to a conference in North Charleston tomorrow and will be there through thursday evening. I have to pay all my own expenses (including airfare AUGH) and will not have a car, so I'm limited to places I can get by bus and can afford on my poor person's budget. Plus I'll be obligated to spend most of my time at the actual convention, networking like nobody's business. But since this out of pocket, nixing money I may have had for a proper vacation later on (whygodwhy), I'd like to get a little local flavor and enjoy myself. Especially given that I am subjecting myself to a 6am flight on my birthday, and its for WORK, and its COSTING ME MONEY. -_-;; (yes, it ought to be covered since its for work, no, it won't, don't ask).

I know some of you guys live in/have been to the south so I figured I'd ask if anything comes to mind. I like nature, fun foods and coffee shops. :)

daily life, work

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