
Feb 02, 2011 10:10

Double-booked interview crisis averted! My mom convinced me to call the store in the morning to confirm they would be open, and to then politely-as-I-can ask if we could meet earlier due to the blizzard. But I didn't even get that far because when the person (a different manager) answered the phone and I told him I had an interview appointment later in the day, he was like, "Yeah, we're going to have to reschedule. We're not even open yet, none of the cashiers have showed up."

Whew! I will call early afternoon to see if I can catch the correct person and ask when a good time to reschedule may be (be proactive and all that), but I am in the clear since *they* told *me* to reschedule. XD (if so-and-so tries to say that actually we can meet today, I'll apologize and tell them that since I was told it was canceled, I let my mother borrow my more-reliable car).

Thanks for the advice, everyone! I don't know how I got out of this one. Dumb luck I guess (since I'm dumb).

Now I can just prepare for the phone interview! (and shovel frozen wet snow..).

daily life

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