Looking back to 2015 !

Dec 31, 2015 12:09

Today is the last day of 2015 and it's time for me to look back and see everything I did.
I will only look back on event/show that I saw during this year. Because I still don't want my personal life to be on internet.

On January 1st I was in Japan since 4 months.

First show of the year, Johnny's WEST First concert  一発めぇぇぇぇぇぇぇ!
January 3rd,

For this show I got my ticket from the Junior newsletter and my seat was so perfect. It was writted "3rd row" of the Arena (Yoko Are ) so I was like "OMG SO CLOSE" but the 3rd row was in fact the 1st !!!!! That's a kami-seki !!! Wish I could have the same for JUMP Con !
Anddddd you can see me on the DVD !!!!!

* Yes it's me with glasses :-D *

2/ Sumo !!!
January 20th,

My university gave us the opportunity to see sumo for free !! It was a great experience and even if at the beginning I wasn't really interesseted by it I was totally crazy during match. So much funnnn ! And for free !!! ( Well it's not free it's just that my university paid for us haha)

3/ なにわ侍団五郎一座
January 25th,

That's a butai/live with Johnny's WEST. My seat was pretty bad like 2nd floor I row who was like almost the last row. But actually it doesn't matter since I already had a good seat for the concert 2 weeks before. But, I didn't really like this butai/live. Well, the first part was a butai and the the second a live. The live was so great of course, I liked it. BUT, the butai... the story wasn't interesting and it was too weird for me to like it. Johnny's WEST are really funny so at least you will laugh of lot.

4/ Yuma's fan event !!!!
February 7th,

First johnny's fan event !!!! It was an event for people who bought 2 editions of get up single + one edition of Yuma's album Chapter 1.

I went to the first event of the day, my seat ( well no seat that was standing area but you know what I mean ) was not that bad I was between number 600 and 700 ( don't remmenber exactly ) and I was at the back of the first block. There were like a big first block / a big space / another block. Since I was at the back of the first block the big space was just behind me and I was able to see Yuma from really close !!!!

The event was so much fun ! Yuma talked about some picture and a lot of things then he sang some songs. And at the end we all got an HIGH FIVE !!! And I told in Japanese something like " I'm from France too, please do your best" ( I said "too" because another french fan was there, you can see it in the DVD in YOLO moment single ). He was so happy !!! <3

5/ Za Shounen Club !!!!
March 22nd !

I will remmenber this day forever ! I just waked up a wenesday morning, that was still holiday and I saw a mail from johnnyskanri.
I was like "WTF ?" It was a mail who said that I won the ballot for the Shounen Club special on sunday. !
I was like "OMG !" I did send a request for this shounen club but since I did it at the same time as the "casual" shounen club I just though that the result will be the same day and this day as passed that's why I was so suprised. Of course the result wasn't the same day, I just made a mistake and thought that was the same day. Whatever, I went to johnny's fammily club on saturday to have my penlight choreo rehearsal during 1 and half hour ! That was so hard to remmember everything and girls from JFC are really strict they want us to JUMP hard to be better and better, to scream and the space is so small since it's IN the JFC not in another room. After this rehearsal we got our ticket, my number wasn't good but it doesn't matter I will explain it latter (Good tickets are gave to the betters ones, others are gave randomly ).
After the rehearsal I need to buy a pants ( yeah I only wear skirts and dresses and we need to wear pants for the recording it was like AN OBLIGATION )   and a penlight ( we need to bring either SZ's penlight or Junior's penlight, I didn't have any of this).
Sunday ! I was asked to come to NHK BS2 at 1PM. After a lot of control we entered in NHK studio, I was like so happy to see the background. Maybe it sounds stupid but I love entertainnement world so much that this kind of things makes me happy.
We waited during one hour then we had another hour of penlight choreo rehearsal, we were 300 girls and I didn't talk to anybody, I felt alone really. At 3PM we entered in the studio. That's a little studio, I was on the stands ( well it looks like stairs but ), since my number is one of the last one you can't see me on TV but my penlight choreo wasn't good at all so I'm fine with it. The performance was added to shounen club from april to september, when I request for this tv show I said that I wanted to see They Budou ! And I was sooooo happy when I finnaly saw them ( it was not the first time for me to see them but THAT CLOSE ) The stage was soooo close !! Yasui was there tooooo OMG HEART ATTACK I PROMISE ! Too much things to say, I don't want that post to be too long. One thing to remmeber frist, when girls JUMP hard and scream like a b****, IT'S FAKE !! haha We need to scream ! That's like an obligation to scream as hard as we can, when director said "cut" we all stop, and actually even if it's weird the first time, it's kind of fun after all.
At the end 2 U ( well the 2 another members of 4U need to leave earlier so they called themself 2 U haha) said that we were so great soooo HIGH FIVE with everyone. The fastest high five in my life, we need to run and give a high five at the same time, I just can't see their faces so I just found Yamamoto Ryota (who is my favorite <3 <3 ) and look at him in the eyes and that the only one I was able to see clearly during the high five but his face is still in my mind now :-D

March 30th,

FOB ! 6 years has passed since the last time I was able to see them in live. I was so so so happy to be able to see this show ! The placement was free even if we had number to enter in the venue. I went to the balcony to have a great view and I jumped hard during the show.
FOB <3

7/ Takizawa Kabuki 10th Anniversary
April 11st,
Even if I requested 2 performance ( Category S : 1st and 2nd floor) I only got ONE and Category A ( 3rd floor).
My seat was pretty pretty BAD ! But since it was hard to have a ticket I was happy to at least have one with FC and that was a really beautiful show ! I really wish I was able to see it from a better view ! Yabu's solo IZANAMi <3 Yabu on roller skate <3 and WITH LOVE  <3

8/ Karafuto Ojisan
April 26th,

Even if I was a little bit worried about Inoo having a stage play it tottaly worth it !!! This stageplay is my favorite stageplay ever ! Inoo was so great that I cried so hard when he screamed " KARAFUTO OJISANNNNN", people who saw the stageplay can see the moment that I'm talking about.


9/ Nakayama Yuma Chapter 1 歌おうぜ、踊ろうぜ、YOLOぜ! TOUR
May 3rd,

MIRACLE ! This show was a miracle. I didn't get ticket via Junior Newsletter or Yuma's Newsletter. I was so sad then BAM MIRACLE !
A friend of me knew someone who have an extra ticket for Yuma's show. NORMAL PRICE !
ANDDD ARENA SEATTTT !  SO CLOSEEE ! Yeah I know it's so impossible !
That was one of the best show ever really !!! I just can put words on it. DVD will be out in february ( only in Japan but a friend ordered it for me <3) the perf who was recorded was MY PERF ! And during the show Yuma asked from were people are and girls who were with me ( the one who had an extra ticket ) said FRANCE FRANCE ! So he looked at me and say in japanese kansai ben " You are from France ? REALLY ? " and I wa slike "yes" and everybody looked at me ! Hope this moment will be on the DVD <3

10 / Karafuto Ojisan
May 10th,

2nd day ! I was at the 1st row of the second floor. Pretty good view. The stageplay was as good as the first time, since I already knew the story I didn't cry but my heart was crying instead. That was the last time, I will never meet Tôru ( Inoo's character ) again, and that was so hard.
I was so depressed and sad when it was OVER. That stageplay is one of my favorite memories of the year. INOO <3

11 & 12 / WHITE NEWS LIVE TOUR 2015
June 13rd and 14th,

3 hours of queue for the goods and here we go NEWS's SHOW <3

Our seat on June 13rd wasn't good at all 0-o Like 3rd Floor almost at the top...
BUT it was a little bit better on 14th ! 1st floor, well almost at the top... BUT 1ST FLOOR ! Soooo it was a wayyyy better than 3rd floor haha
The show was good ! Not my favorite show of NEWS but this NEWS WEEK-END was so much fun that I was sad when it was already over !!!
WHITE LOVE STORY <3 Can't wait for the DVD <3

13 / Kabuki no mikata
June 20th,

Once again that was an event with my university. The first part explained us all the rules of kabuki and the second part was a court version of a kabuki. I learnt a lot !!!

14/ Jersey Boys
Junly 4th,

One of my dreams came true ! I was able to see a BROADWAY SHOWWW !!! AND PLUS, JERSEY BOYS !!! I loved the movie and when I heard that the broadway show of Jersey Boys will come in Tokyo I was so excited !!! Since I ordered the ticket during the first presale period I got a pretty good seat, like 3rd row !!!! The show was awesome !!! I already said that but I'm in love with Hayden Millanes who played Frankie during the musical. So sad it was his last perf with Jersey Boys and no DVD was recorded.

15 & 16 / JUMPing Carnival Hey ! Say ! JUMP LIVE TOUR 2015
August 5th & 6th,

I requested 6 performances for this Tour but I only got ONE 0_o
Through FC I got the 6th performance and since it's at Fukuoka, I bought a ticket for 5th's show on internet.
On 5th I queued for goods alone during 3 hours under 32°C  0o I was sooooooo tired !
So my seat for the first show ( ticket that I bought on internet ) was on A stands 17 row, I got a pretty good view since the venue isn't that big. I saw Yamada as like 1 meter from me !!!!! The show was soooooo good !!!!
Even if I was sick on the morning I went to JUMP concert the next day for my second show, that was the ticket that I got through FC and I got ARENA SEATTTTTTTTTTT <3 KAMI-SEKI ! I was really sick on the morning but I forgot all my sickness during the show I was near the middle stage and so so close OMG I just can forget this show !!!! Alll their smiles OMG ONE OF THE BEST SHOW EVER !!! When it was over I was like NO IT'S ALREADY OVER ????? NO WAY !! I was so sadddddddd this show is really a good one ! Can't wait to see the DVD <3

17 /YUZU's Concert
August 15th,

Just bought a ticket on internet to see Yuzu's concert. I don't know why I bought a ticket for this show since I don't know a lot of songs of Yuzu but I love the one that I know.
I didn't knew my seat when I bought the ticket and it's only when I received the tickets that found out that my seat wasn't bad at all !!!
The show was great !!! I only knew 3 or 4 songs but there are so great that even if you don't know the songs you are into the show.
Really great memories !!!

18 / The Picture of Dorian Gray
August 17th,

The LAST one !!!
Yuma's stageplay ! Dorian Gray ! I really loved that stageplay ! I still need to read the book ! Yuma did really great ! And it was a good stageplay to end my year in Japan.
Johnny's Junior Noeru was seating two row behind me so I saw him from close. My seat wasn't that good but since it's a stageplay that's not really important I was happy to at least be able to go.

And I came back to France on August 23rd.

Just for the information, I got the ticket by FC ( my membership or friends membership), or friends.
I only bought August 5th JUMP's ticket and Yuzu's ticket on internet ( resales ).

Thank you for the the memories ans hope to see you again in 2016 !

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