(no subject)

Jan 12, 2004 21:18


fell asleep to a very pleasant thoughts and feelings.
*thank you*
contentment is not easily found for me - yet you make it seem easy...

rather brief.
4 hrs, on the nose.

random interjection:
Speaking of which; guess who has an interview tomorrow!
*raises hand*
That's right - CAT DOES!
It'd be full time work - I could SURE use that...

after work, went to Sheri's - yeah, I know I'm part of the family when, since everyone else had somewhere to go, it was I who took Mark (the youngest son) to his Boy Scout meeting...

then, off to Bealls Outlet, where my impulsive/compulsive shopping gene kicked in. I got me a really niec letter organizer/key holder for the wall - and a few other items that I think would best not be mentioned being that the general public won't be seeing them... Oh, and a new dress! Even I must admit, in this dress, I look like one SEXY BITCH.

post-shopping fun included a trip to the Placid Post 25 American Legion Auxilliary for their monthly meeting (yes, I am a 21 year member - and I'm 20 - you figure that one out). I, being the Girls State Chairperson have some work ahead. This month, I'd like to have the initial interest meeting at the High School. Briefly overviewing what the program is all about and what one can get out of the experience - that'll get 'em hooked. Then, mid-Feb, I'll have the smaller group meeting that people will have to TRY to attend - this will seperate those who are GENUINELY interested from those who just want out of class... After that, we'll do speeches (yes, I AM going to be a hard-ass and make them write speeches about why they want to go and what they feel they could take away from the experience) and then one-on-committee interviews. Following this, I will select two, count 'em TWO, girls to represent our Post at the 2004 Girls State Convention.

After that, I went to get gas at the filling station (not from Taco Bell...)
I pumped myself $18.17 worth of gasoline, went inside, and paid.
As I attempted to exit the premises, a middle aged hispanic man walked in the door, looked up at me, and then just stood right in front of the door, fiddling with his wallet (I just assumed he was putting something in his wallet, and didn't think much of it). He then looked up again and says, "Hey there, baby." How freakin' cliche... he continued to stand there and leer at me - to which, I just said, "excuse me" and walked around him the best I could and out the door. I made it out to my car to find that my stupid ass had locked the door for like, the first time EVER. I NEVER lock my car door when I'm at a station, why tonight?? Anyhow, I'm standing there, trying to get my key in the door, and this guy actually exits the store and walks over to my car, and proceeds to "Hey, You. Yeah. Hey, baby." me again... I get in, close the door, and get going...well, I'm stopped at the red light, and it really didn't phase me that his truck pulled up behind me...because, well, Highway 27 is a major road. It really didn't bother me that he turned North, because Sebring is to the North. However, it DID surprise me when he proceeded to make the same turn as I onto Lake June Road - which, heads out to the middle of NOWHERE. I called Mike, I was kind of getting worried. Left a voice mail. And he was kind enough to call me right back. (probably because I sounded like a baby in the voicemail) I was getting a little more worried with every street I passed that he was still behind me. And, Mike kept me calm. *THANK YOU* He suggested making winding turns to get home - and was good enough to remind me that, should I see the headlights as I approached my house, to just keep driving. Thankfully, I lost sight of the headlights of the truck after I headed down some of those back roads (let's just say, Stratus was offroading). I didn't see anyone behind me when I pulled up to my house, so, I cut the engine and got inside fast, so that if the truck were to pull up, he wouldn't necessarily know that I stopped at my house. Once I was inside, I chilled a little, but once again, it was Mike who got me steadied, and even managed to make me laugh. I am ever so grateful. I'll make it up to you, Mike. Swear.


I'm now watching Happy Gilmore - and awaiting a very nice phone call (provided the person on the other end of the phone WANTS to call me and doesn't feel obligated to, because, I would NOT want that to happen!!!)

That's about it, for now...
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