tally_cat : opossums that could shoot venom...that'd be cool.
jspurlin : fuckwhat
tally_cat : 'cause who'd expect that?
jspurlin : venomous possums?
tally_cat : 'zactly. imagine it...
jspurlin : that's a terrible idea. we'd have to drown them ALL.
tally_cat : it's an AWESOME idea. besdies, you can't drown a venomous possum...
jspurlin : why not? they have GILLS?
tally_cat: once you're within a 2 foot range, those fuckers kill you. *spits venom*
jspurlin: hides under the bed
tally_cat: Imagine this: we genetically engineer these things, right? and they get drafted into military service. *bam* Iraqi occupation = OVER. The 131-st battalion "Spittin' 'Possums". A venomous, mamalian fighting force the likes of which have never been seen before.
jspurlin: "oh, fk it, we could bomb it flat, but we'll do this. we've gone to the trouble to train them to spit venom..."