Labor Day Weekend - 2005

Sep 06, 2005 14:33

WOW. Long weekend.
Fun. Long. Wet. Garb-y.
Left T-Town late, =(.
We didn't get to the site in Ocala until about 8:30pm.
Of course, Mom and the rest of the Shire had already set-up camp.
Raise your hand if you felt like a turd. *raises hand*

I was so incredibly hot that night that I slept with a fan ON my face.
Not "next to", not "beside", not "really, really close to me"; no. I slept with a fan ON my freaking face. So naturally, I woke up the next morning with my throat feeling like the icy grip of death had been upon it. YAY. Now I think I have tonsillitis.

Saturday was good. Walked around, went swimming, bitched about how hot it was. Fun was had by all. Honestly though, it was great to see Mom. Court was long but amusing. Feast was quite good, despite issues being had with others in the group. I passed out, though, without so much as attempting to party that night.

Sunday we woke up relatively early. I got a nice shower and the day began. Mom and I went merchanting (shopping). I got a pretty band (for my finger) and I got her a windchime for Christmas (she doesn't know about it yet). Later, I found some trim for my court outfit so Mom can make the bodice reversible. Also, I made friends with the merchant I was buying the trim from and I got a beautiful sterling ring for $5, a unique collapsible candelabra for $4.00 and she GAVE me a skirt; also, from the merchant next to her, I got a beautiful wooden mortal and pestal set for $3.50. Woo.

Mom was kidnapped Sunday night. =) By ME. We snuck out of camp and went to a restaurant for dinner. Mom got that steak she was craving and we got to have one meal where the idiocy of others in the group wasn't looming around. I really miss my Mommy.

Monday morning was time to load up. We broke camp and were out of the site by 9:30, methinks. I know we were on the road by 10:00am at the latest.

Whew. Busy weekend. And, Suzi was nice enough to watch the kitties while we were out of town, so I didn't come home to a destroyed house. Yay!

holiday, sca, mom

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