College w00t.

Aug 26, 2007 10:44

So, yeah. I am officially a college freshman. Classes start tomorrow. This whole 'going off to college' thing has been different, although not as disorienting as I might have expected. For one thing, I absolutely love all of my suitemates. That makes things a lot easier. I actually haven't met many people here that I don't like, yet, at least. I'm really looking forward to starting classes and meeting all the theater majors. I know there must be more of them out there (I mean, I can't be the only one, right?), but they must all be hiding or something. Anyhoo, I'll find them eventually.

The suite went out last night (although, by the time we got in, it was technically this morning...). KG invited us to a party at this guy Zach's house. Since most of us had never done anything remotely resembling this, we decided to go for it. We all went together, and could keep an eye on each other, and classes hadn't started, so we didn't have to worry about getting in at a reasonable hour. I managed to stay sober at a drinking party, go me! I figured one of us should stay sober to get us all home, although it turned out to be unnecessary. 'This guy Zach' turned out to be really nice. He involved us in the party, which was only fifteenish people or so, and, although I didn't drink, made sure my roomies were having a good time. When we were ready to go, he called us a cab, walked us out to the street and waited for it with us, paid for it, made sure we got in the cab ok, made sure the cabbie knew exactly where to take us (about ten feet from our dorm), and told us to be careful and not to walk alone. Once we got in, we had a little pj powow on the carpet with popcorn and oreos and talked about home.
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