A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short

May 25, 2006 14:05

Feel free to turn away now or risk a cavity and possible sugar-coma.

Sometimes marriage sucks worse than an industrial strength vacuum cleaner. There are days when I wonder what the hell I was thinking when I said ‘I do’ and that I should really have taken my dad up on his offer to pull the car around right before I was supposed to walk down the aisle. That said; there are also days when I wonder how I ever got through the first 22 years of my life without this man. Yes, he annoys me in many ways - he bites his nails, he snores, he talks during CSI:LV, he can be an insufferable know-it-all and (gasp!) he can’t stand David Bowie, but even with all that, I know without a doubt that I am blessed. I am one of the fortunate ones who know that they will be spending the rest of their life with their best friend. He is smart and cute and fun to be with. No one in the world can make me laugh like he does. He holds me when I cry even if it is for no good reason. I’m always cold so he spoons me at night to keep me warm. He helped me pass C++ back in college. He loves going to Disney World - he bought us matching Mickey watches:). When I have a nightmare, he wakes me up and then holds me till I fall back asleep. He has a great butt:). He sticks little notes in my luggage when I have to travel alone. He tells me that he loves me every day. He takes care of all the bills and financial paperwork because I hate it. He saved every penny he had to buy me my engagement ring before we got married even though I told him I didn’t need one. He smells good. He watched every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and CSI:LV with me even though he didn’t much like them. He bought me a teddy bear to take with me when I travel and doesn’t mind that I sleep with it even when I am at home:). He takes me to see chick-flicks (though he does sometimes fall asleep:). He takes care of my car and keeps it in good condition so I will be safe. After eight years of marriage, his kisses still make my toes curl. He has cute pointy teeth and the prettiest blue eyes ever. He tells me that I am beautiful. He’s the smartest person I know. He works a million hours a week and is still working on his Master’s degree so he will make enough money that I can stay home when we have children. Also, he tolerates me - and that is saying a LOT. I am an extraordinary pain in the ass. I love him and can’t believe I was lucky enough to nab him...all this introspection because he took me to Maggie Moo’s today after lunch:).

The greatest piece of marital advice of all time: Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without. ~Dr. James C. Dobson

Okay, you can put the insulin away now, I'm done.
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