May 20, 2006 18:26

I am one happy little Bowie groupie today. Have just added Earthling to my rapidly expanding collection of ATB (that's All Things Bowie of course:). And since it was a used copy (first thought (admittedly biased): who gets rid of a Bowie CD?) I also bought Scary Monsters and since it was a used copy, I also got the Reality Tour DVD (not used) *hee*. I did manage to talk myself out of The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust, but only because even used (who are these people?) it was still $30. Maybe next week:). My Bowie CD count has gone from zero to 7 (plus 2 DVDs, 3 if you include Labyrinth) in just over a month. I am a woman obsessed.

Went for a hike today with the hubby. It was beautiful. I was pleased to see that the 6 mile trek didn't bother me a bit *is smug*. We are planning a 20 mile (yes that is a two followed by a zero) hike down into a volcano while we are in Maui so we are testing our limits to see if we will actually survive said hike. Next week is a 13 mile loop in the same park. Here's hoping I am still functional come next Monday.

david bowie

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