Mind the gaps

Mar 08, 2013 23:49

The past few weeks I have been riding the wave left over from the labyrinth_ex exchange and churning out wordcount like a fanfic writing MACHINE...or, at least, I was until a couple of days ago. Now, I'm stuck.

I'm in the middle of a scene with my OC and Odin and have come to a complete and utter standstill. That's not to say I haven't written anything at all, only that what I do write gets deleted, with prejudice, in the cold light of morning, usually followed on by a bout of violent self-depreciation and graphic plot bunny abuse. I know what the ultimate result of the scene should be, but not how to get there and it's driving me NUTS.

For those of you on flist who write - what do you do in such a case? Do you, as I have done, sit and stare at your screen and tap out a few words hoping to release the floodgates, or do you give it a pass and move on to the next scene and just plan to come back and fill in the gaps later? If you do choose the 'fill in the gaps' method, do you ever have a hard time getting your ends to meet up properly?

In general, I prefer to write linearly. It keeps things in order in my head and makes referencing back and forth a bit easier for me. Leaving a gap fills me with an odd, lingering sense that I am forgetting something important until I go back and take care of it.

What's REALLY annoying is that my own brain is mocking me mercilessly by throwing up great ideas for later scenes, but helping me in no way, shape or form, to get through this one!

O, capricious muse, thou art a bitch!
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