Given the turn my life has taken recently, I really need to update. But the energy it would require to rehash everything just isn't something I want to do.
But I am crazy thankful for my friends and family. The last month has been, it goes without saying, a bit rough with being laid off and everything. Today, though, is going to be a day where I am going to focus on the positive. And enjoy being home with my family for the holiday. :-)
Do you have any feelings for anyone right now?
-Nah. Not really. I don't know. LOL
Would you ever tattoo a boy's/ girl' s name on you?
-NO WAY. I have tattoos, I love tattoos, but no way in hell is someone's name going on me.
What was the last thing you laughed at really hard?
-My brother and I were laughing our asses off a minute ago.
Why are oranges called navels?
-Because the indentation on the bottom of the orange that looks like a navel.
One thing you did today you shouldn' t have done?
-It's Thanksgiving and everything that I have done today I needed to do. Like run three miles since I know in about an hour I'm going to be eating turkey!
Which is worse getting your blood drawn or getting a shot?
-Blood. Because the needle is in for longer.
Why did you cry the last time you did?
-Um. I'm just frustrated with the whole job thing.
Whats bothering you right now?
-Lack of job. But my interview went very well for the Community Relations Coordinator position at Michigan Works! so yay! Maybe I will have a job soon.
Did you wake up happy today?
-I was happy to be at my parents, but EXHAUSTED because I slept HORRIBLY last night. It was freezing in my dad's study where I was sleeping. Blah.
Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
-Well, I'm single. It's fairly easy to understand. LOL But one of my best friend's is single, so she understands what its like.
What were you doing at 10am today?
Any plans for this weekend?
-Celebrating the holidays with the fam! My brother, grandma and aunt and uncle leave on Saturday, but since I have no job, I'm staying until the following Thursday. LOL
Do you know the last person you were in a car with other than family?
-Matt, Scoots, Sarah, Becks.
Who was the last person to text you?
-Kal wishing me a Thanksgiving!
Do you ever turn off your cellphone?
- Very rarely. In fact last night I had to because as I was driving through Cincinnati, my GPS just stopped working and I had to restart so I wouldn't get lost. It's sad that I don't know how to get to my parents house. I don't get here often!
When is the last time you talked to your grandma?
-Probably a minute ago. She's sitting next to me on the couch and we are talking about Martha Stewart. LOL
How many months until your birthday?
-11 months.
Tell us something about your ex?
-He has WAY too many issues.
What is your favorite ring on your phone?
-I have different ones assigned to different people. Typically songs that make me think of them.
What shirt are you wearing?
Black tank top with a gray sweater.
Last furry thing you touched?
-My mom's cat. I miss my kitties. :-(
How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
-Just the ones prescribed to me.
Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?
-He did, but he still isn't in my life anymore.