Yes, it's true. This man gives great advice.

May 09, 2005 20:31

I'm probably the best advice-giver I know. Witness some recent examples!

To the friend trying to gently let down an interested boy:
Get a tattoo of David Hassellhoff on your bicep. Constantly flex it. Say: "God, he's so hot!" Pointedly look at the interested male, and say "I'd totally do him. Any time". Pointedly pause. Still looking at him, say: "If I weren't a bull dyke!"

To the friend trying to gently avoid hurting a girl he knows he won't date for long:
Pressure her into having a threesome. Because thereby: you either have LOTS of fun for the next two weeks, which no strings attached (who could attach strings in that case in a threesome?), or you drive her away!

To the friend trying to get over an ex-boyfriend who has already gotten over her:
My 15 step method for getting over your ex-boyfriend:
  1. Obtain photograph of the boy.
  2. Photoshop said photograph, morphing him with Li'l Orphan Annie
  3. Print out said photograph.
  4. Draw on freckles, missing teeth, and a Hitler mustache with a thick black marker.
  5. Tape said doctored photograph to your dog's rear end
  6. Laugh at the boy's horrendous Annie dog butt face
  7. Take your dog in to be neutered. Again.
  8. Bribe said doctor to give you hotdog and two walnuts in a jar after taking Dog-Ex in to the operating room.
  9. Flood jar with sulphuric acid.
  10. Bury jar deep, deep underground.
  11. Park your pickup truck above grave of jar
  12. Detonate pickup truck
  13. Drive away in clean, environmentally friendly hybrid.
  14. See a David Hasselhoff BayWatch marathon.
  15. Fall in love with Baywatch cast member.

That's probably the best advice in the world
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