Title: Unexpected Turn
Author: TalliW
Rating: G
Characters: Stephen
Disclaimer: Primeval are the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun. So don't bother me.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.
He woke up with a strange feeling.
Someone was touching his groin under the sheets. There was a faint breath on his cock then warm and wet lips closed around him.
He could hear a humming and slurping noise and then he was engulfed by pure bliss.
It had to be a dream, a rare erotic dream, but still a dream. There was no one left in the world who would take care of him in that way.
But that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the dream while it lasted.
A hand pinched his nipple, a solid hand, warm and strong with the ability to soothe and to punish.
A head turned up from under the sheets, a familiar head wearing a wicked smile. Someone who shouldn't be here, someone he'd seen killed by a bunch of horrible animals only a couple of weeks ago.
The man crawled closer and snuggled up to him, blissful unaware that by rights, what had been left of his body after the predators had finished with it, should be lying buried in the ground right now.
It seemed Helen had tampered with time once again. She had clearly learnt nothing. You couldn't change time without consequences. He had explained that to her often enough.
Then her last decision had cost him everything.
He still remembered her shocked face, afterwards, as he'd told her there would be a bullet ready for her the next time he saw her.
She hadn't believed him. He'd had to fire a straight shot into her left shoulder to make her understand and leave.
This time, however, it seemed she had actually made some useful changes. He would not kill her for pulling this stunt.
Actually, he might even give her a pity fuck the next time he met her. He was not an ungrateful bastard, after all.
He wouldn't even ask what else had changed in this world now, so long as it meant he could have back the only person he'd ever been in love with.
He closed his eyes, contentedly, gently stroking the blond head now resting on his chest.
Unaware of the screams and terror which raged outside in that changed world, Stephen Hart fell asleep again, happily holding his returned lover in his arms.