Noises In The Dark

Apr 10, 2011 21:08

Title: Noises In The Dark
Author: TalliW
Characters: Helen Cutter
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Primeval is the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to the lovely Fredbassett for beta duty.
Summary: A short glimpse in Helen's set of mind at the time she came up with the insane idea of extinguishing the whole

AN: I wrote this last year for Rodlox' birthday but thought it lost when my computer died due an overvoltage.  Now my spouse found it on his pen stick with a few other private files of me. It's still a mystery how it has landed there but I'm certainly not complaining.

There it was again. Steps. Steps outside the cave in a time no humans should have existed.

Helen listened intently to be sure she wasn't hallucinating.

The steps came closer then suddenly faltered as if the person was afraid to be welcomed by a bullet from the disgruntled lady of the house. That was exactly what Helen had in mind. Still the stranger couldn't know that, could he?

The weirdest thoughts flitted through Helen's head in the few seconds during which she decided to act before the intruder did. Pressed against the cave wall, she edged closer to the entrance, the gun cocked, ready to fire.

Helen peeked cautiously out of the cave but saw nothing but the familiar surroundings in the setting sun.

Well, she was not going to play hide and seek with the stranger. That was her realm and she wasn't inclined to share.

"Come out of hiding. I’ve seen you."

Of course she hadn't seen anything but eventually the guy would fall for her cheap trick.

Nothing. Only the familiar silence greeted her.

"Damn it! Show yourself," Helen called, frustrated, loud enough that her voice reverberated of the cave walls and echoed
around the mountains.

"Come out. Do it immediately and I might decide not to shoot you."

Something moved in the shadows and Helen fired pell-mell, too upset to care any more if she killed the intruder.

Then something crashed to the ground. Yet it had sounded too light to be a grown up man. For a short moment Helen feared a child had gone lost in an anomaly and lay now bathed in blood on the rocks.

As fast she was be able to, Helen ran over to the place the person had gone down to find only the dying body of a Lycaenops.
The pack had hovering around the cave for days, attracted by the smell of roasted meat.

Helen stared dumbly at the mammal-like reptile then retreated quickly back into the cave in case there were others of the pack around that were planning to attack.

By safety of her camp fire, Helen tried to recall the moment she had heard the steps first. In retrospect she realised how impossible it was that a human had found his way to the Permian at this time of the month. The anomaly to the Forrest of Dean opened at regular intervals of eighteen days and wasn't due for another six days. Her mind must have played tricks on her.

Helen put more wood on the fire so the predators would be kept at bay and decided to catch up on some sleep. The two days she had spent in the future to find out the secret of the artefact she hadn't be able to rest at all. And since she had shot her husband her sleep was seldom undisturbed. Too often she woke up, haunted by accusatory eyes.

Helen had just closed her eyes as she heard the steps again, this time inside the cave. But she also heard something else.

Trembling with fear, Helen curled up into a ball, afraid if she opened her eyes she would see the spectre who had come to get her.

Nick's voice wafted over to her, calling her name, enticing and mocking at once. Whimpering Helen pressed her hands over her ears to block out the noise of her name repeated over and over again.

"Go away. Please leave me alone," she pleaded desperately, being sure she would die of stroke if the ghost should touch her.

Suddenly the death cry of an animal that had fallen prey to something outside shrilled through the valley.

The voice in the cave stopped abruptly and the cold breeze vanished.

When Helen finally found the courage to pry her eyes open she was alone in the cave and nothing indicated someone else had been there.

"You will not drive me mad, Nick. Not you, not Stephen and also not Ryan and Claudia," Helen screamed. "What I did was for the greater good. Do you hear me, Nick? It was necessary."

The urge to leave this haunted place and find shelter in the modern world was overwhelming. But Lester and his troops where probably only waiting for such a sign of weakness.

No, she had to stay put until the time was right. She needed the artefact to go back to the point mankind had evolved. Soon the future would be erased and with it all the ghosts haunting her.

With a smile Helen closed her eyes. In a few days everything would be over and she would be at peace again.

helen cutter, author:talliw

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