Primeval WIP: The Musings of a Lonely Man - Coming Home (51/...)

Jun 14, 2010 18:28

Title: (51/...) Coming Home
Author: TalliW
Pairings: Lester/Cutter, Stephen/Lyle, Abby/ Connor, Jenny
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Primeval is the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
Lyle belongs to Fredbassett.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.

For several minutes Lester stood by his car, gazing up at the familiar house before he headed towards Cutter's front door.

After he’d rung the bell, a disheveled Cutter, only clad in quickly-donned tracksuit bottoms opened the door for him, clearly surprised that Lester hadn't used his key.

"Can we talk?" Lester asked timidly, waiting patiently until Nick ushered him into the house.

"All right. Make yourself comfortable on the couch. I''ll just put on some clothes."

Nick vanished into his bedroom and slipped on a shirt, underpants and some cotton trousers. After bringing his hair to order he hurried into the living room.

Lester sat almost on the edge of the couch as through he intended to leap up again any moment. So Nick chose the chair to sit on to give Lester enough space.

"My clothes are outside in my car," Lester declared. "I moved out of the hotel late afternoon. I hope your offer still stands..."

A big smile spread over Nick's face. He'd love nothing better than to take James into his arms and kiss him senseless. But considering Lester's tense posture that probably wasn't a good idea.

"Of course. I told you this is your house as well."

"I would also like to sleep in the master bedroom. With you."

His throat suddenly tight, Nick croaked out, "James, are you sure?"

"As sure as I will ever be. There is just one problem."

Lester looked bashfully at the ground and fidgeted with the hem of his jacket until Nick felt the growing need to broach the subject.

"Which is?" Nick finally inquired.

"I'm afraid I'm not comfortable with you taking charge in bed." Lester had said it so quickly Nick had trouble understanding him properly.

But then the confession was not unexpected. At least since last night Nick had known Lester had issues with giving up control to him.

"Then I will be completely passive. That's okay?" Nick replied to Lester's immense relief.

Despite the fact that he had told James he was willing to do everything to get him back, the man apparently hadn't really believed him.

Nick had been forced to play the submissive part in his marriage with Helen in the later years. This time he would do it by choice. For James.

Despite the fact that he had dreamed of burying himself in Lyle's firm arse since Lyle had proposed to him in the pub, Stephen was nervous. He knew all the basics and had slept with a lot of women in his life. But this was the first time he would fuck a man.

Stephen wanted to make it good for Lyle. Otherwise he would probably never get the chance again. Lyle had made it clear that he usually topped exclusively.

For the second time Stephen checked the room. Lube and a box of tissues lay ready to hand on the bedside cabinet. The light was dimmed, the bedcovers folded back and the pillows fluffed. Now Lyle only had to emerge from the bathroom and they could get started.

Stephen didn't comment on the length of time Lyle had spent in the bathroom when Lyle finally strolled in and stretched out on the bed in a seductive pose. He also ignored the slight trembling under his fingers when he gently caressed Lyle's backside. Apparently Lyle wasn't as relaxed as he tried to appear.

Tentatively, Stephen let his fingers wander along Lyle's cleft and felt the muscles of Lyle's butt cheeks constrict.

Deciding that Lyle was much too tense, Stephen started massaging Lyle's shoulders and brushed his lips over the uptight muscles.

"Come on! Get down to it already. I want to get some sleep tonight," Lyle hissed.

With an uneasy feeling Stephen slicked his fingers up and rubbed them gently along Lyle's anus.

Lyle's legs quivered with the effort of staying lying down.

Now Stephen had had enough. "Damn it, Jon, why this charade? We don't have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable."

"You said you wanted it."

"And you apparently don’t want it. Just tell me that and it's all right."

Stephen laid down next to Lyle and closed his eyes in annoyance. Why couldn't they communicate like a normal couple? But then he remembered the problems his friends had had with their lovers and realised communication seemed to fail in a lot of relationships.

Whispering, "I want it, I want you," Lyle turned on his side and pulled Stephen into a passionate kiss.

Stephen responded enthusiastically, sucking Lyle's tongue into his mouth and roaming along Lyle's flat stomach with his hands.

Caught up in the heat of the moment Lyle didn't notice when Stephen slid his hand into his cleft again. Lyle's sphincter was completely relaxed when Stephen slowly pushed his forefinger in.

Whilst Lyle latched onto Stephen's neck, Stephen crooked his finger inside Lyle's arse.

The next moment Lyle's teeth clamped down on Stephen's skin, almost drawing blood.

"Bloody hell. That felt amazing. Keep going!" Lyle panted out.

With a wicked smile, Stephen repeated the movement then added a second finger and did it again until Lyle mumbled a string of expletives against Stephen's neck.

Swiftly, Lyle rolled off Stephen and turned onto his front.

"Fuck me. Come on, Stephen. This time I really mean it."

Stephen took the time to slick himself up. He stroked his cock deliberately slowly up and down until he was so hard he could be sure he wouldn't have any trouble penetrating his lover.

"Perfomance anxiety, darling?" Lyle teased and wiggled his arse enticingly.

"Not in the slightest."

Grasping Lyle's hip for leverage, Stephen lined up at Lyle's entrance and pushed forcefully in.

"Fuck, you’re big," Lyle moaned, but shoved his arse up to take more of Stephen inside him.

Reassured that Lyle seem to be enjoying the ride so far, Stephen slid deeper into his lover’s body.

"Shit, that burns. I feel like I’ve got a ten foot pole inside my arse."

Stephen couldn't help but snicker. "Now you know how I feel every time," he gasped back but pulled out most of the way.

Moving a little more carefully, Stephen changed angles until he finally heard Lyle groan in bliss. Then he set a steady pace.

Not long after, Lyle started to writhe and buck on the bed, making Stephen feel like he was riding a wild bull. Stephen knew he wouldn't last much longer. Lyle's arse clamping down on him like a vise was too delightful.

"Almost there," Lyle gasped yet it was already too late. Hot come flooded his guts whilst he felt the pressure in his arse ease.

As soon Stephen had withdrawn, Lyle rolled on his back and started to jerk himself off.

Under Stephen's heavylidded eyes he shot a spout of come on his stomach and groin, and then slumped down onto the pillows.

"Wow, that was hot. We'll do that again. Definitely," Lyle declared, grinning.

Stephen gave him a quick kiss then mustered enough energy to clean them both up with a few tissues before settling down next to his lover.

"Doing that again," Lyle mumbled already half-asleep. "Just not that soon," he added as his arse twinged slightly when he turned to his side.

Jetrow looked at the slip of paper in his hand. The street was right and it was also the right house number. There even was a doorbell with the name T. Barrows. What apparently wasn't there was Thomas Barrows himself.

The soldier kept ringing the doorbell until a curious face showed up behind a window on the bottom floor. Giving the bell a last push Jetrow turned around and left.

"Then next time, Barrows. I'm not giving up as easily," Jetrow thought whilst walking away.

In good spirits, Thomas Barrows opened his front door sixteen minutes later. Everything had gone to his satisfaction.

That would certainly become a nice surprise for the the ARC team, teaching Jenny and her friends that they couldn't just get rid of him with a pat on the head.

Smiling, he switched on the light in his living room and sat down at his desk with a stack of books. He had a lot of catch-up to do before next week.

"Hello, Oliver," Helen said sweetly.

Startled ,Leek swiveled around.

"Nice to see you again," he mumbled whilst trying to put some distance between himself and Helen Cutter.

"A nice brouhaha you have left at my quarters. Care to enlighten me why you have used up all my fruits and clones? It will take ages to get replacements."

Helen grinned in triumph as Leek edged fearfully against the wall. She toyed with the thought of tormenting him a little longer.

But then he might wet his trousers again and that hadn't been very pleasurable last time.

"Well, that plan’s gone up in smoke. So I have to chance tactics. And now it seems you have set up a little menagerie which could prove to be helpful for me. Thanks for doing all the work. I'm really bad with rearing offspring."

Leeks eyes flickered, disturbed, over to his raptors. They were his and his alone.

"Oh, you mean my sweeties. Aren't they a sight for sore eyes?"

With a wave of his hand, Leek presented his predators like a proud father. "That's Cecil and Marvin, Alma, Barry and Trudy and that beauty over there is Ruby."

Step by step Leek moved towards Helen, suddenly not afraid anymore at all.

"Ruby, may I introduce you to Helen? Helen is the woman I told you about. The one who treated me badly, always ordering me around like a little servant."

Helen swallowed nervously. She had always thought she was be able to handle Leek but now the man's behaviour scared her.

Before she could make up her mind if it wasn't better to turn tail, Leek hissed, "But there is one good quality about Helen. She's lean meat."

As soon Leek had voiced the last word the raptor named Ruby leaped torwards Helen and its intention was obvious.

When Helen finally found shelter in a warehouse full of strong smelling chemicals, which would probably put the animals off her trail, Helen was glad she was used to outrunning hungry predators.

Nick smiled encouragingly at Lester who seemed a little lost after his big announcement.

Lester still seemed a little thin to him so Nick asked, "Have you already had dinner?" It just seemed such a good way to break the ice like any other.

"I ate Chinese in the restaurant around the corner. That's where I have been since I left the hotel."

"Okay. I haven't eaten yet. Would you mind if I heat up some leftover pizza for me? Talking is easier with a full belly."

Whilst Nick munched his slice of pizza, Lester finally relaxed and started talking about work.

"None of the clones we found unconscious have woken up yet. But the other two, Brian and William, are in good shape and seem to like it at the institution. They aren’t even making a fuzz about the scientist's tests and all the questioning. They told us Leek was gathering the drug from a fruit. A pity Helen and Leek have destroyed all remains of it. An undiluted sample would have helped our lab technician develop a counter agent for the drug."

"Ditzy told me they're making progress with it," Nick interposed.

"They are but too slowly for my taste. I won’t be satisfied until we have an efficacious antidote for the drug at hand. Helen or Leek might use it any time again. Perhaps we were just test subjects before an even greater attack."

"I don't think Helen is after power. Everything she has done until now was for personal reasons," Nick said whilst stifling a yawn.

"I'm agreeing with you that Helen probably isn't such a threat to the public safety. But can you say the same about Leek? Teamed with Helen he's even more dangerous."

It wasn't long before Nick was yawning again, prompting Lester to yawn as well.

"Let's go to bed, Nick. It's already late."

"What about your clothes out there?"

"I think they’ll survive a night in the car. Everything I need I have with me."

Only then did Nick notice the holdall Lester had put down beside the couch.

To Nick's disappointment, Lester had changed into pyjamas, complete with top part. So sex apparently wasn't on the agenda for tonight. and jerking off in Lester's presence wasn't an option either. He really should have taken the double ration of his calming remedy.

Nick climbed onto the bed, face turned towards Lester. But the anxiety Lester gave off in waves cooled Nick's libido quickly.

He wished he could soothe Lester's fears with a gentle kiss but the promise to stay passive in bed kept him from acting.

They stared at each other in the darkness, warily the first, longing the other until Nick couldn't bear the obvious rift between them any longer. It hurt that James was still not really trusting him.

With a sigh, Nick turned away and closed his eyes. But sleep wasn't coming.

Lester seemed to have the same problem. After a while he started tossing and turning and Nick was already considering moving into the spare room so they would at least get a few hours of rest.

Suddenly he felt Lester close the distance and settle down behind him, his arm protectively around Nick's midriff.

With a sigh, Nick leaned back against Lester's warm body and finally both men found sleep.

slash, oliver leek, stephen/lyle, primeval, helen cutter, lester/cutter, author:talliw

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