Primeval Fanfic: Late Night Visit

Jul 16, 2009 22:30

Title: Late Night Visit
Author: TalliW
Pairings: Stephen/Lyle, Connor/Ryan
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: Primeval is the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
Lyle belongs to Fredbassett.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.

AN: For Lukadreaming who wanted Stephen/Lyle, prompt: suitcase
Sorry for the lack of hot action.

Stephen wasn't surprised when the door bell rang in the middle of the night. Lyle always showed up at impossible times.

He really should get him his own key.

But Stephen had been afraid it might send the wong signals and scare his lover away. The soldier had always emphasised how much he valued his independence and what he thought about commitment.

He hadn't seen Jon for a week now. A secret operation had kept him busy somewhere and Stephen was smart enough not to ask where and what Lyle was risking his neck for this time. By now he had got used to Lyle popping in and out of his life.

So Stephen was rather astounded to see five suitcases, a knapsack and a pot with a monstrous cactus piled on his door step when he opened the front door.

Lyle heaved another suitcase and a trolley bag out of his car and finally stood before Stephen, a little worn out and with a rather sheepish expression on his face.

"Hi, Stephen. I had a small argument with my landlord. He promised not to press charges if I moved out immediately," he explained and dragged his suitcase into the floor.
"Do you remember when I said to Ryan he could use my flat in my absence?"

Stephen nodded, still a little baffled.

"Well, he did. Connor's screams have kept the whole neighbourhood awake and they managed to flood the bathroom twice. My landlord was not amused. Is it all right if I stay here until I can find another flat."

"Of course," Stephen answered, yawning and helping to get the other luggage into the flat.

After everything was tucked away, and even the cactus had found a place on the window sill in the living room, they cuddled up on the bed.

Lyle caressed Stephen's cheek and Stephen rested his head comfortably on Lyle's chest. The soldier said: "You know, my friends always claim I'm lazy. It took me three years to move out of the flat I shared with Ryan and find something on my own, even though I had to clean the bathroom every week."

"I have a lady who cleans the flat," Stephen mumbled drowsily.

Lyle smiled complacently. "I know."

jon lyle, stephen/lyle, stephen hart, primeval, author:talliw, ryan/connor

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