Primeval WIP: Awkward Situations (32/...)

May 02, 2009 13:03

Title:  Awkward Situations (32/...)
Author: TalliW
Pairings: Lester/Cutter, Stephen/Lyle, Abby/Connor,Ditzy,Finn
Rating: T
Disclaimer: Primeval are the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
Lyle,Ditzy and Finn belong to Fredbassett.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.

Private Marcus Fox rubbed a tired hand over his face.

The reproaches of his bosses had worn him out. The next time he would probably think twice before trying to rescue James Lester.

The lecture had gone on and on. Every time Stephen Hart had run out of words Lieutenant Lyle had started another rant.

After the first half an hour they'd started to finish each other sentences. Babyface had watched the process with mounting irritation and strangely his grandparents, a happily married couple for nearly 50 years, came to his mind.

He'd given up trying to explain to them it had just been a slip after the seventh time and just let their words wash over him.

As James Lester walked into the room out of the blue to bring an end to the dressing-down, Marcus was at the point where he was ready to fall around his neck with gratitude.

Babyface was amazed the man had taken the time to help him, even though it was a little late. After all he was just a private soldier. People in high positions normally didn't care about what happened to the likes of them.

When Lester thanked him, short and crisp, for his rescue at the cottage, Babyface gave him a radiant smile and stood to attention until the man had left the room.

Nick Cutter paced around on the ground floor of the ARC, still wearing his thick coat to hide the condition Lester's close proximity had caused.

There wasn't any way he would leave his lover alone after the scene he'd witnessed at the cottage.

The snot-nosed pretty boy could be glad of the fact that Stephen had restrained him. A well placed punch in his smug face would have taught him to stay away from other people's property.

Lester had eyed him suspiciously earlier, probably afraid he would pounce on him too and had avoided him since. And that was all that smug little soldier's fault.

Nick's body temperature was nearing the boiling point by now. 'Why did it have to be as warm as this in the bloody building?'

Connor had tried to talk to him but Cutter hadn't paid attention. His eyes were following Lester on his way to Stephen's office.

He started to go after him but Jetrow and Finn foiled his plan. A few minutes later, he sat in the medical unit with a sedative in his bloodstream and an angry Ditzy staring down at him.

"I thought I was explicit the last time, Professor. You should immediately visit me at the first symptoms of stress, irritability and aggression. I'd preferred you to come voluntarily. I'm sure you don't want to risk hurting someone again."

Nick Cutter stared down at the floor, ashamed.
The wild rage slowly died down and he could think more clearly again. He nearly had attacked a young man and probably scared Lester out of his wits.

That had to stop before he went completely mad.

Haltingly, Cutter started to speak to the medic. After the first sentences it got easier to talk and finally Nick told him everything. Ditzy just listened with a frown.

When Nick had finished the whole story, he sat there exhausted, his whole body slumped.

"Please don't tell him," Nick Cutter begged quietly.

"I've no choice. I must tell him about the basics. Your current condition is a recipe for disaster. I promise I'll not go into detail."
Ditzy smiled at Nick warmly to dissipate his fears. "Besides, he could help."

"How?" Cutter hissed. "Let me fuck him by any chance?" he said crudely and shook his head in resignation. "He wouldn't even let me touch him with a five foot pole."

Nick Cutter stood up and moved to the door. When the medic didn't try and stop him he left the room.

Ditzy sighed deeply. There were times he really hated his job. To stand helplessly by when someone was hurting and not to be able to do anything was the worst part of it.

And now he had to bring more sorrow to a man who already had endured as much.

But first he needed to have an unofficial chat with Hart and Lyle. It was their responsibility to make sure he knew what was going on. In this line of work you couldn't afford to hold back important information because of some misguided sense of friendship.

Babyface wasn't a vindictive man, but when he heard Ditzy's cutting words directed at Lyle and his team leader as he passed the medical unit, he grinned in satisfaction.

He got a glimpse of Jon Lyle and Stephen Hart shuffling with their feet like reprimanded school boys while the medic delivered the first part of what seemed to be a long lecture.

On his walk up to the staff room, Private Marcus Fox happily whistled the score of "Once Upon a Time in the West" and thought about his mothers words, that punishment follows swiftly.

Abby made herself comfortable on the couch and fed Rex some pieces of endive.

The adventure with the young Moschops had drained her more than usually. Or Perhaps it was just the awkward situation between all of them what wore was wearing her down.

But for once she didn't intend to dwell on it. She planned to enjoy the evening watching a nice film with her best friend.

Connor came out of the bathroom, only clad with a towel around his hip. His hair was still dripping and the water drops slid down his neck and chest.

Abby froze on the couch, her eyes dilated, and stared at the sight of a half-naked Connor in front of her.

She wanted to pull down that towel and ravish him straightaway, but that would probably startle him. 'Baby steps, Abby, baby steps,' she told herself and turned away, frustrated.

Connor had seen that sparkle of interest in Abby's eyes and it brought him hope he still had a chance with her.

He'd love nothing better than to pull Abby in his arms and show her his feelings but he was sure it was too early for such a move.

'Think of the last time. You'll scare her off if you're too impulsive. Patience, Connor, patience.' With a quiet sigh he walked into his room to find some underwear.

Ditzy's scolding still rang in his ears and Stephen decided he needed a drink.

When he walked out of the ARC with the concrete goal of a nearby pub in his mind, Jon Lyle was following him.

Stephen was surprised. Until now Lyle had ignored all his attempts to meet him outside of the ARC. Ditzy's dressing down must have hit the Lieutenant harder than it seemed at first sight.

They walked side by side into the pub and took a place at the bar.

The Scotch Stephen had ordered burned down their throats and had a calming effect on their nerves.

Someone had turned on the juke box and Bryan Adam's "Summer of 69" roared through the room.

After he'd gulped down the second glass, Lyle finally said something. "That was a really crappy day."

Stephen gave a mirthless laugh. "With all that tangled mess back in the ARC it's a miracle we're still halfway sane."

Lyle took another sip of his drink and declared: "I feel really bad for Babyface. We've overreacted. I think we've lost a sense of proportion and we're too protective of Lester now."

"God," Stephen groaned. "What a mess between Cutter and Lester and we're right in the middle of it."

"Thanks for the image," Lyle grinned.

Stephen blushed faintly as he realised what it had sounded like.
"It's good that Nick has confided in Ditzy. I'm at my wits' end. I want to help them, but I really don't know what to do."

He downed his drink and banged his fist angrily on the bar table. "Fuck!"

Lyle regarded him intensely and after a moment he asked: "Do you want to? Fuck me, I mean?"

His voice sounded unusually loud in the sudden quietness of the room after Bryan Adams had finished dwelling on his lost youth.

Stephen could quite literally feel how all people in the pub were focussing on him and he went bright red.

With an equally red face, Lyle whispered to Stephen: "Sorry, I've had too much to drink. I think it's better we change the location."

Stephen just nodded faintly with his bowed head, too embarrassed to look up.

Together they moved out of the pub, followed by many flabbergasted eyes.

Lyle wanted to kick himself in the backside. That had been a really smart move. Way to go to impress his team leader. What had he been thinking?

Stephen studied him silently from the side as they moved down the street.

With a grimace Lyle suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to Stephen.
"Hart, I'm so sorry about what's just happened. Look, I know you must think I'm a complete idiot, but I really didn't mean to..."

Before Lyle could finish his sentence, he found himself being pushed against a shop window displaying ladies' fashions and kissed in the open street by Stephen.

Lyle was baffled. Usually he was the one who took charge in the random encounters in the clubs. Okay, he was the one who had offered to get fucked but he'd not meant it this way. It had just seemed inappropriate to ask his immediate boss to spread his legs for him.

When he felt Stephen's cock rubbing against his hip and the man's eager tongue inside his mouth Lyle lost track of his thoughts.
Perhaps he could take it up the arse for once. One single time couldn't hurt, as long as he got a go at this fantastic butt, which he was feeling up with his hands just now, afterwards.

A loud banging from inside the shop broke them up.

"We should move to a room with a bed." Lyle panted, aroused.

"My flat is closer," Stephen gasped and dragged the other man behind in a northerly direction.

The shop owner rolled her eyes as she watched both man running away like hell. Pity they were too busy to come in and buy some clothes. The tight leather dresses were very popular with quite a lot of men.

Lester stepped quietly into the office and looked down on the blond man who was sitting there with his head buried into his hands.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The question was asked in the calm controlled voice that Nick loved so much.

"What has Ditzy said to you?"

"He only told me that you've still got problems from the drug."

Cutter snorted. "You might say so."

"Is there something I can do for you?"

Cutter shock his head sadly. "Nothing you're ready for."

He watched as the other man gulped hard and clenched his hands at his sides.

"Do you have the desire to...?" Lester trailed off.

It was painful to watch Lester so insecure in his presence.

"Don't worry, I'll not attack you. That's not the problem this time."

"What else is wrong?  Lieutenant Owen wasn't very specific. Cutter, just tell me. I have to know."

Private Fergusson passed the office and glanced curiously at the two occupants.

"Please, can we talk in a more private setting? At my house, perhaps?" Cutter begged and sighed as he saw James falter.

After a short moment Lester gave his consent.
"I'll come by after I've finished my report for the Prime Minister. It shouldn't get later than 7 o'clock."

James Lester left the office with a firm stride and didn't hear Nick's whispered words: "I'll wait for you, James, all evening, and if I need to for the rest of my life."

het, primeval, ditzy, slash, stephen/lyle, abby/connor, lester/cutter, lyle

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