Primeval WIP: A Long Day (31/...)

Apr 19, 2009 04:15

Title:  A Long Day (31/...)
Author: TalliW
Pairings: Lester/Cutter
Rating: T
Disclaimer: Primeval are the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
Lyle belongs to Fredbasset.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.

Now Oliver Leek knew why he never had bothered with women. A week living with Helen Cutter and he was ready to murder her.

He'd provided information and a new hideout. But instead of a little gratitude she was still bitching about his small mistake in the ARC.

He'd watched the incident from a position hidden behind a bush and he'd rather thought the plan had been a success. The fact that it was Lester who'd had to bear the brunt of the attack was better than if it had been Cutter on the receiving end. Of course he didn't mention that to Helen. She had another opinion on that matter and he wasn't interested in hearing a rant from her again.

Oliver Leek could totally understand why her husband had dropped her. She was worse than he'd originally imagined and sometimes he wished he'd never met her.

By this stage he was having to share his room with her clones whilst she slept in the master bedroom all alone. Not that he complained. The clones were nice and their bodies were warm in the night. That was the only thing which made it bearable to have to sleep with five men in a small room.

Unfortunately, they were too dense to understand his subtle hints and Helen had put an end to his attempts by ordering them not to touch him in what she considered to be an improper way. Otherwise Oliver would be a happy man even with Helen still around. How he wished he had his own clone army at his disposal. But Oliver could be an inventive man. Perhaps there was still an opportunity...

The door banged, a sure sign Helen Cutter was back and in a bad mood again.

"Leek!" she called and Oliver sighed, annoyed.

Helen tossed a full back pack in his direction when she walked in and nearly hit him at the head with it.

"Have you spent the whole time slobbering over the clones or plotting your silly revenge again?"

Oliver bit his lips. How he wished he could tell her what he really thought about her. But making Helen angry wasn't a good way to deal with the woman. His arse still burned from the new whip she had tested on him.

"You've really botched it up, Leek."

'Not that again,' Oliver thought, stressed out.

"I've seen Nick. He's still pinning after Lester. And that bastard didn't do anything. Nick is still in charge of the team. They're continuing as if nothing has happened. I had hoped Lester would fire him at least. Damn it, Leek, I wanted a broken man and not a lovesick jerk. Now help me to store away this fruit. It needs to be kept in a cool place."

Oliver Leek sighed. This was becoming a very long day. Hopefully, Mrs. Cutter would decide to talk a walk into an Anomaly again soon so he could go back to playing strip poker with the clones.

The Anomaly alarm came unexpectedly. They hadn't had an emergency in some days.
James Lester informed the Professor, who was currently working on some papers at the University.

Cutter hadn't been in the ARC for three days now. He knew his behaviour was damn silly. Lester must think he was avoiding him again.
But what choice did he have? The side effects of the drug hadn't lessened. He still had the same problems with controlling his excitement when he was close to James or even when he thought about him.

Showing up in such a condition every day at the ARC was definitely impossible and would send the wrong signals to James. For a moment he remembered Stephen's advice. But how could he tell Lester of his problems without putting pressure on the man. Their relationship was in such a fragile state it could mean the end of it.

He couldn't talk to a medic in the ARC for the same reason. The report would surely land on Lester's desk or he would hear about it from someone else.
It was impossible to keep a secret in the Centre these days.

To seek aid outside the ARC wasn't an option either. He couldn't consult another doctor without revealing some information which should stay secret.

Nick Cutter hadn't know how to help himself anymore. With James in the building his thoughts strayed to him and then he got aroused. He couldn't count the times he'd masturbated in the last few days. To get it up so often at his age shouldn't be possible and yet he was constantly horny.

That genitale were apparently not made for permanent intense rubbing was another issue.
He'd needed to get a break and hiding in his office at the University was the only idea he'd been able to come up with besides reporting sick. And the latter would have been too blatantly obvious.

The call from Lester inflamed his arousal again. To hear the voice of his mate, even if it was only the impersonal brief message: "Cutter! There is another Anomaly.... Meet us there," sent a thrill of excitement through his body.

Nick Cutter sighed. This would be a long day. Hopefully the Anomaly would bring some fast animals so he could dissipate some excess energy or the day could end in a disaster.

Professor Cutter closed the last button of his long overcoat whilst he walked to his car and snarled at the sun who shone in full power down on him.

As he looked at his team members Cutter could see that they were puzzled as to why he was wearing a heavy coat on such a mild day.

Connor seemed to want to make a comment but Stephen walked over and distracted him.
Nick could feel Lester's enquiring glance and swiftly became engrossed in Connor's dinosaur data base, his body bent over the notebook.

Based on the traces leading away from the Anomaly, Stephen and Connor had already tried to make an initial prognosis about the animal which had come through.
Connor was sure it was a dinosaur from the class of Synapsids, probably of the order therapsida. They just didn't know if it was a predator or a herbivore.

Cutter gave the command to follow the tracks and soon they were standing in front of a nice weekend cottage, which was unfortunately occupied at the moment if the screams from inside were any indication.

Within seconds they had entered the house and rescued the hysterical married couple and the crying little boy.

The baby Moschops who was responsible for the fuss was busy in the master bedroom, pawing through the marital bed. His snout was buried in a silken nightgown which it was desperately trying to get off again.

The not entirely silent arrival of the Special Forces team scared the dinosaur and it started to flee, running down Lieutenant Lyle in the attempt.

The plump young animal trampled through the corridor, the nightgown still hanging off its snout and dashed out to the back porch, where James Lester was standing. Private Fox who was stationed at the rear of the house saw the Moschops racing towards the civil servant and sprung against the man.

They both crashed down on the ground and rolled to one side while the animal hopped past them in direction of the Anomaly, finally freed from the hindering nightgown, which fell down softly over the two men lying on top of one another.

James Lester froze as the soldier's body pressed down on him. The Private instantly understand the problem and braced his feet and arms to lift his body up.
But his right foot slid away and his first attempt failed. Before Marcus realised that the best method of getting up was probably rolling to one side, the others had arrived.

All they saw was the wiggling of Babyface's arse under the nightgown on top of James Lester.

With a red face Babyface helped a rumpled Lester to stand up.

The angry face of Professor Cutter, the furrowed forehead of his team leader Stephen Hart and the grimace on a dishevelled Lieutenant Jon Lyle's face meant trouble that was for sure.

Private Marcus Fox sighed. It was turning into a long day and he hadn't even had a decent lunch yet.

Jenny Lewis looked at the complaining man and sighed. This was another one of those long terrible days when you wished you'd just stayed in bed. To calm the family down and spin a reasonable tale would take most of the day. And afterwards there was still the paper work waiting for her.

On top of it all she had to have dinner with her parents this evening. She hoped her mother wouldn't start bemoaning the breaking of her engagement again or she might decide a plump dinosaur would be better company.

James Lester had seen Nick Cutter's angry face. He was worried about what had ticked him off again. He hoped Nick hadn't ingested some more of the strange drug or it could turn into a long and dangerous day. He decided to stay in plain sight of the soldiers for the rest of the day, just in case.

Stephen sighed. Cutter had given him a lot of trouble at the cottage. Luckily no one else besides Lieutenant Lyle had witnessed his efforts to hold Cutter back.

The rage Stephen had seen in his friend's eyes didn't bode well for Babyface. It seemed it was time for another friendly talk with Nick.
That would certainly turn it into a long day. Nick Cutter was a stubborn man.

Stephen Hart wished things would be easy for once in his life as he looked over to Jon Lyle.

slash, leek, stephen, primeval, jenny, lester/cutter, helen

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