Not Indisposed, Just Busy

Apr 16, 2023 18:52

Title : Not Indisposed, Just Busy
Author : talliw
Fandom : Primeval
Rating : 15
Characters : Connor, Lyle, Lorraine Wickes, James Lester
Disclaimer : Primeval is the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
                      Lyle belongs to fredbassett

Summary : Written for the primeval100 Challenge 832: Indisposed

Connor sniggered when he heard Loreen say: "I'm sorry. The Prime Minister is indisposed at the moment." for the umtiethst time.

Of course, she could hardly say that the new Head of Downing Street No. 10 was currently riding his SAS OC like a horse and enjoued it greatly.

But when Lester's and Lyle's groans of pleasure got any louder everyone in the building soon would know the truth.

Fortunately the new Prime Minister still had the backup of the whole former ARC troops and Captain Becker would kill painfully everyone who dared to disturb his boss in his indisposition.

drabble, lester, primeval, lorraine wickes, author:talliw, lester/lyle, connor, lyle

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