Vid dump and a quick hullo!

May 31, 2010 12:56

I know, every time I post I say something like "Wow, it's been forever! I'll try to post more often!" and I never do! Sorry about that! Here's some lively entertainment for you... my most recent fanvids!

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Super finale mashup. Major spoilers for the following shows.

Royal Pains 1x12
Bones 5x22
Castle 2x24
In Plain Sight 2x15
House 6x21
Primeval 3x10
Burn Notice 3x16
Supernatural 5x22
White Collar 1x14
Fringe 2x23
Psych 4x16
Leverage 2x15
Chuck 3x19
The Vampire Diaries 1x22
True Blood 2x12
Sanctuary 2x12
Doctor Who 4x13
NCIS:LA 1x24

These aren't even all the shows that I'm watching, but I wanted to make something to salute all the awesome finales theyv'e given us. I used all the recent finales, since some of these shows are still airing while others are on spring/summer hiatus.

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Footage up to 3x12. Chuck reflects on what he will be losing if he never sees Sarah again, remembering everything he loves about her as well as all of the obstacles they have faced together. I tried to tie the end of this video back to the very beginning and Chuck's fear that he will never see her again.

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Just lots of dancing. It's quite shameless, really. But this sort of thing happens when I'm giddy and don't have any other projects on the burner. Pay no mind to Dr Cox. He's a hater by nature and nobody invited him to the party. ;D

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A mellow look at both Chuck and Shawn (also Chuck/Sarah, Shawn/Abigail & Shawn/Jules). These are two of my favourite shows of all time. When I heard this song I wanted to make a fanvid for both so I decided to compromise and this is the outcome.

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Chuck wants to fix everything and make the world perfect for Sarah. Chuck's POV. Chuck/Sarah with bits of Sarah/Bryce & Sarah/Cole. Seasons 1 & 2

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A short promo I made for Chuck using footage from seasons 1 and 2. Nothing spoilery.

As for what I've been up to... AAAH not much. Just finishing up my spring quarter at Evergreen, vidding like a mofo, and falling in love with One Piece (one of THE best manga series I've had the pleasure of reading).

I'm also looking forward to the premieres of Burn Notice and Royal Pains. IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! :)

true blood, the vampire diaries, burn notice, house, psych, royal pains, primeval, doctor who, bones, castle, supernatural, fanvid, in plain sight, ncis la, leverage, sanctuary, chuck, white collar, fringe

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