Mm house of squee?

Oct 24, 2007 00:17

I have a couple of squee worthy things I thought worthy of posting.

One being that my mom and step-dad bought me bunny ear antenas for my 'lil TV so I can now get crappy to poor quality channels between 4 and 13. That means I got to watch NCIS on TV tonight and not on my computer! That made me happy. It also means if I can find the proper spot for those ears, I'll be watching Supernatural this Thursday! Chai tea all around! :)

Secondly I gots myself back into my Logan/Alec universe and I'm fussing around with the new chapter which is over a year late in being posted, lol... I don't know who if any are waiting for it, but at least I'm excited. Can you believe I've re-written this thing four times in the past year, 'cuz I'm just not satisfied with it? WOW. I really need to just pick one and stick with it! The longest re-write was nearly 25 pages long. *slaps face* I just have to come up with a solution to the problem. And I blame my dad entirely, too. I seem to remember quite clearly telling him over icecream that I had two ways to end the last story. One being to make it a clean snip and finish with no loose ends, and the other was one my evil bunnies had concocted where there was no simple and easy way out. He of course steered me in that direction. *shifty eyes* So if I get myself out of this, I'm going to treat myself to some icecream again and tell myself never to ever do that again, lol.

I thought I had more to squee about, but I guess I don't. Still, I'm pleased with both! TV to watch and fanfic to write. Sounds good, y'know? b^.^d

Also, I have hiccups. And you should visit soldierfetish for Logan/Alec goodness.

slash, my writing, dark angel

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