Back to work.

Oct 09, 2007 14:03

I had just as much work to do as I left on Thursday. Oh well. I'll get through it. It's really very strange having it to do. *shrug*

The weekend was nice and restful. I only got a few things done that I really wanted to: cleaned the living room, got my hair cut (though it needs more - the girl was an idiot), went grocery shopping. I didn't really get any thing done in my bedroom. Because of the heat, the dogs didn't get walked. And I didn't get a new outfit to wear to Anna's wedding on Friday.

Since they're desperate for help this week and Thursdays a biggie, I was able to get out of working for Evan tonight. I really like it there, but all 3 evenings is just nuts. It drains me completely. Thankfully, he did hire someone, so all these extra hours will soon dissapate. I like the money, but I want my free time back.

Rob and I car-pooled to work this morning, so it's doubly good that I don't have to go in because I'd have to drop him off, then go all the way back across town.

Maybe tonight I'll go shopping for the wedding attire. Anyone want to go?

And now
1. If your life was being turned into a movie, what would the title of the movie be?
You've Got To Be Kidding Me

2. If you had to have a pseudonym as an author, what would it be?
Tina Lorraine. It's also my porn name.

3. If you could sit down with anyone (past, present or future), who would it be and what would you talk about?
Stephen Spielberg. We'd talk about movies and inspiration.

4. What is you favorite book and why?
I really like The Great Gatsby though it's been years since I read it. It spoke to the dangers of loosing grounding in the lightness of money. I think it's where my love of the "not-quite-what-you'd-expect" ending came from.

5. If you could go to any country and study one thing there, what would you choose?
I'd like to know how The British see the American Revolution.

6. If you could suddenly manifest a talent, what would be your area of expertise?
I would like the talent of being able to turn my digestive system into a gold foundary. But it would be a nice, soft gold. ;)

7. If one of your family members were to describe you, what would they say?
That's Angie for you.

8. If you could go back in time and experience any era of history, which time period would you select?
While I find colonial times fascinating, I'd have to seriously cross-dress to be able to investigate them to my liking.

9. Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
Smooth. :)

10. Crust or no crust?
Don't care. Depends on the kind of bread, actually.

11. Pulp or no pulp?
either, or.

12. What is your favorite song and why?
I'm partial to Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger because it's so rediculously silly.

13. Where is your favorite place to visit?
I'm now very fond of both Burlington, VT and Salem, MA.

14. Who is your favorite character?
William the Bloody/Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. His character evolution is really remarkable. He's interesting and multi-dimensional. Very unlike the constant brooding of other souled vampires we all know and loathe.

15. What one experience do you think everyone should have?
To be able to go on one great vacation to some fantastic, dream-inspiring place.
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