
Feb 16, 2006 15:50

this morning was quite atrocious! i was playing with the rat in biology today, and when i put her away, i noticed i was covered in HIVES. so i was like, yo hopkins, i need some benadryl, but before he let me go he made me stand in front of the class and show them my hives as an example of an allergic reaction. damn that crazy color-blind german! yeah, so i went down to the nurse and had to wait for some meds for a half hour whilst she was attending some kid who apparently has some type of seizure. when she got back she was flippin out cause i looked like death with a nasty rash and took my vitals while someone else slathered me with anti-histamine ointment. it was crazy cool though, this one teacher came in and was like "you best put some aloe-vera on her," and proceeded to rip a piece of aloe vera plant and squeeze its juices all over me. at this point in time i was too busy doped on benadryl to notice anything but this AWESOMELY GODLIKE plant and asked her if i could have some of it for my room. she said yes.

about ten minutes later, the nurse, who ive just realized is skylar's mom, put me to bed and then fell asleep until 12:30, missing two periods.

just now, i have noticed that all my oreos have been eaten, when i haven't even opened them yet. BITCHES.
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