(no subject)

Sep 21, 2006 21:15

so uh, yesterday i flipped out during lunch. well not really "flipped out" per se, but i was immensely overwhelmed by what was going on around me. at the beginning of lunch i was doing well, sat down next to ty and he and weldon whipped out identical nintendo DSs and then began to duel. me seeing this, i was like, "hm, we shall not speak of this to anyone," and then i ran off to get mac and cheese from macs cache. (which was FOUR DOLLARS by the way. what the FUCK is that? the world is slowly dying.) then i went back and was content eating my food ,(i had also gotten my free lunch that came with a lovely doughnut,) and overhearing ty and weldon's duel via DS then i remembered that i had to go to a GSA meeting. i scampered on downstairs and went to the meeting but it was utter and complete shite. they were just discussing whether or not to have a GSA dance and talking about whether or not to have movie nights, and if we did, we weren't to spend any money on pizza. it was just ridiculous. so, of course, i was like "fuck this" and went back upstairs. when i got there, my free lunch was massacred and my friggin doughnut was out of its wrapper squished on the floor. ty and weldon were also gone. i sat down to try and center myself, cause man, the whole thing was just unsettling and crappy. then like 4000 ppl came over and were all like HEY HEY HEEEEEEY *shoulder pat, handshake handshake* and it was just too much and i got really freaked out and claustrophobic. eh. then jeremiah came over and was feeling up my shoulder blade trying to comfort me and then he told me that ty was in the library and that i was a dumbass for not noticing cause he was right in the front part visible through the window.

it blew.

i went in the library and laid on the floor underneath a table next to ty and just sighed for the rest of lunch. the whole event just left me feeling exhausted and sad and i really just wanted to go to sleep. i also skipped doing my audition because of it cause i really didn't feel capable of doing anything at all. so instead, i went to kai's hosue and we watched this lovely movie called "imagine me and you". its a story about a woman who gets married but on her wedding day she falls in love with the woman who did her flowers but she really doesn't realize this til later on in the movie. goodness it was just delightful and quite inspiring. also the ladies were gooooooood lookin. after the movie kai's mom came home and was like "YOU LOOK GOOD, WANNA STAY FOR DINNER?!" it was fantastic and she said that i could come by anytime to eat food, even when no one was there i could just invite myself in and eat and chill. i LOVE that. the idea of going to that nice house and just relaxing when im having a bad day is just so lovely. man. having that relationship with any family or a person or whatever is the greatest thing in my opinion, cause i would like my friends to feel that way with my house. they could just go in and make themselves comfortable and my house would be like a haven for them. its just so nice! its too bad that sort of thing doesnt happen more often.

after louanne, kai's mom, fed me, she gave me a ride to blockbuster. yesterday was my first night working there! and it was pretty decent actually. i worked for three hours shelving movies. the only thing is that they gave me a horrid gray polo shirt that makes me feel entirely OBESE. but nah nah, its gonna be a good place. and the job is pretty easy. its all just ocd type stuff: making sure everything is in its exact place, keeping things organized, etc. its so friggin funny that im working at blockbuster cause its a combination of my last two jobs. i like it better then both of them cause it has the best aspects of both the library and the theatre cause i like keeping things organized, but i hate the quiet bitchy librarians, and i like movies, but i hated the pay and all the shite bitch work i was doin. NOT worth it man. but blockbuster will be good. i get paid decently, and its going ot be easy. only thing so far though that might truly cause a problem in the future: i work with micheal wilford. CREEEEEEEEEEEEEP. and a bastard. and a creep. did i say bastard? i mean, he may be pretty and has some nice qualities, but he's a pompous ass that molests girls. he tried to friggin get down with me one time, and man it was just gross. the peerrv. man. maan. however, who knows, he may have changed. i just know i won't be afraid to shank the boy in the nuts if he starts botherin me.

after blockbuster i got home and watched ANTM with my mom. she recorded it for me!!!! yeah, im fucking STOKED. i think this season is going to be good. i didn't get to finish the two hour premiere show, cause i had to get to bed, but i am hoping to finish it tonight after i get off work again.

so that was yesterday. today, i slept in till like...10:30. i just really didn't feel like going to school. GAH it was such a bad choice to make cause today i had a french quiz and an honorfest tape to make as well....i just get in these moods where i dont want to do anything, but once i start goin with that bad choice, i always change my mind later and fix it if possible. so i ate some food and took the 11:30 bus and went to school. i would've gone earlier, but i hate showing up to class like midway through, and thats would've happened if i just booked it as soon as i woke up. im sad i missed oceanography though :(. anyways. so i got to school right at lunch, well on the way there at the bus stop i saw brandon and i bullshitted with him for abit, i like that boy. he's a good guy however he can be such an ASSHOLE. but he wanted me to go to pel menis with him on sunday or something, so i might do that. so i got to school and went to see mr moore to practice for honor fest and then i studied for my french quiz. however, i am a fuckin DOUCHE and was concinced by katie to skip class with her so instead of actually going to any classes at all today, alls ive done is gone to lunch, and written in my livejournal during someone elses class, namely mrs. mckenna's writing publication class with april and shit. lord i suck. i figure its no big deal though, its just a quiz and i'll just take it tommorow and i'll hopefully pass. besides i didn't have my work done so i would've just shown up not prepared and i think thats worse then not showing up. however, i could also say showing up is the least i could do, but i rather not look like an asshole. shrug.

so basically the only things i'll have accomplished today will be rehearsing for DDF with audrey, kacey, and ty and making my honor fest tape with mr moore. GODDAMN.

however, im doing MUCH better than yesterday and i think i'll do just fine with the audition tape. also, i work tonight at blockbuster and i think it'll be more interesting than yesterday.

go me for coming to school but not going to ANY of my classes! i rule.

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