Spamming of friendslists!

Oct 21, 2007 15:39

Hehe. I took. From harpergrey. (Sorry for the wait.)

If you comment on this post, I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.

cheese -- Ah, cheese. It's one of my favourite food-type things. :) I've always loved pasta smothered in it. Or veggies. Or anything else. Except desserts. Unless it's cheesecake... and calcium keeps you from succumbing to osteoporosis and stuff. *nods*

cultures -- Ever since I was really small, I've enjoyed learning about people in other countries. Their customs and languages fascinate me, and their music even more so. Hee hee. It's why I liked Social Studies in middle school. We got to learn about other places, too. :D Not that I have any problems with learning about Canada or anything... there's a bit of almost every culture making up Canada anyway. But yes. I adore foreign stuff.

horror novels -- Hmmm... I do like scary things now. XD There's just something about the printed word describing horrifying things that really gets me, though. In a horror film, the emotions still run high, but it's more of an action-based medium nonetheless. I like knowing exactly what the characters are thinking. Also, descriptions of freaky things, when done well, can explain just as much as an image of the same thing, I find... but that's because I see stuff in my head when I read, I guess. Heh.

L -- A character from my favourite manga/anime series, Death Note. A genius detective who's staking his life on the Kira case. He's an oddball! *laughs* I like unorthodox characters, with traits that haven't been explored very much. And if that wasn't enough, Obata Takeshi's art style really makes him pop. You see him amongst all of the orderly, neat, well-formed backgrounds and characters, and he just sticks out. XD

Shaman King -- One of my first manga series. :D At first, it explores the activities of a young shaman (someone who can communicate with ghosts, pretty much). He deals with wandering, restless spirits haunting Tokyo, but soon he is thrust into the "Shaman Fight in Tokyo", a competition between shamans to see which of them will have God as their guardian spirit. It's a really cute story, chock-full of religious references and ghostly goodness. (There's even a scary necromancer! :D) I wish that it hadn't been translated by Shonen JUMP, though. They really messed with the characters and many of the jokes that made the series worthwile, especially after the anime was licenced by 4Kids. :P Yeah. It's a 13 series, dammit!

The Producers -- I'm talking about the new musical. Illegal plots, Nazis, and flamboyant gay men. Nathan Laine and Matthew Broderick as Broadway producers! What could be more fun? :) It's a unique and quirky show. And the music is so catchy! It's got that typical "Broadway-musical" feel to it, but it's more original than you'd think. And I got to see it live last year at the Jube, which makes it all the more special.

yaoi -- Hmmm... Well, honestly, yaoi used to scare me (as you'd no doubt remember, Harper). Especially non-canon relationships between characters I knew and loved already. But it's grown on me, really. I think the minds of most geeks relax as they grow older, in relation to pairings and stuff.

But anyway! I'm still more into the tamer shonen-ai stuff. In a male/male relationship story, it's the actual relationship that gets me. Maybe it's because it's not usually a story of forming a romance out of peer pressure. Maybe it's because it's unorthodox. Or sweet good-looking men times two is a lovely thought. But I think it's cute. Same with fluffy yuri. It's the love between the characters that I enjoy, but strangely, straight relationship stories in manga kinda bug me. XDDD

And that's the end of that! *bows*

Oh, I am drowning in homework. I should really be working right now.

obsession, meme, school stuff

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