how much longer can we beat a dead horse; and more!

Sep 29, 2005 19:21

***note: if you reach a page that has no article on it, but rather a 'member services' page, clear your cookies. for some reason, echo press tracks that, can't get free news? (i dunno, don't ask me.)

now, don't get me wrong. i love jason schultz TO DEATH, but how much longer am i going to see the name 'kelsey' in the same sentence as 'seat-belt?' has she gone from being known as that unique person that befriended everyone to being known as the girl who didn't wear her seatbelt? to tie in with the subject, how much longer can we beat a dead horse? i know, i KNOW that this is for his eagle scout project, but please, it really needs to be let go...and by that i do not mean the memories we had with her, but how we can use her for for our advantage, in a way, as i explain below v-v-v-v

maybe, just maybe...the thing that triggered this post was the last couple lines of that article, stating, "The buckle-up signs will be available for area companies to purchase. For more information, e-mail Schultz at"

once again, i see a marketing possibility. i'm curious as to where this money he makes, if any, will go. i'm sure, as of right now, that it won't be to his pocket, i highly doubt that, but whether it's used for more seat-belt campaigns/materials, or to his eagle scout board or whatever it is they call it, or quite possibly somewhere else. only time will tell.

*imitates mr. meyer, the social teacher* so what was that all about anyway?

let's see, what else is going on...tom delay is being indicted...for supposedly using funds from companies to gain more republicans in political positions, by re-districting the already-present districts, making democratic populations denser in some spots, while republicans oversee more broad areas, or districts. and, the reason for the indictment is because it's illegal in texas to use that soft-money to fund political campaigns. i guess we'll just see how it turns out.

aaand that's all i got for now.

as the world seems to be ever-falling into an eternal damnation, i'll stay right here, expressing my views on how we can fix it.

and that's the way the cookie crumbles.

you stay classy lj'ers...keep up the ghetto!
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