(no subject)

May 04, 2005 19:24

Name: John Flanagan
Nicknames: Flanagan, Flan, Big John, Flagalagalagalagalagen
Sex: Male
Location: Austin, TX
Birthplace: Burnsville, MN
Birthdate: August 15, 1984
Parents names: John and JoAnn

Current mood: lazy
Current music: TV
Current taste: my mouth
Current hair: haven't showered today hair
Current clothes: jeans and a thundercats shirt
Current annoyance: that I need to mow the lawn
Current smell: the fish we're going to ear for dinner
Current thing I ought to be doing: mowing the lawn
Current windows open: this window, my buddy list, and Eudora (my e-mail software)
Current desktop picture: Firefox logo
Current favorite band: I'm not sure, the radio down here sucks too much to hear anything new, and I'm getting kinda tired of the music I have
Current book: I don't read
Current cd in stereo: iPod
Current crush: none
Current favorite: Initial D

=Do I=
Smoke?:  it's been a while
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
Remember your first love?: I remember my first serious crush
Still love him/her?: nope
Read the newspaper?: I thought we covered that I don't read
Believe in miracles?: no
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: for the most part
Consider love a mistake?: no
Have a favorite candy?: reese's pieces
Believe in astrology?: no
Believe in magic?: I am magic
Believe in god?: no
Have any pets: nope
Go to or plan to go to college: I did, and I hope to go back
Have any piercing?: my lip, and I used to have my eyebrow
Have any tattoos?: no
Have an obsession?:  Initial D
Have a secret crush?: no
Do they know yet?: that's a stupid question
Have a best friend/s?: indeed
Wish on stars?: no
Care about looks?: yes, but I wish I didn't

=Love life=
First crush: I don't really remember
First kiss: some random girl in FL
First love: Wifler's mom
Ever been in love?: not that kind
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no
Do you believe in "the one?": not really
Describe your ideal significant other: someone attractive and interesting that I can talk well with

=Word association=
Rubber: cement
Rock: paper
Green: shirt
Wet: rain
Cry: sad?
Peanut: m&ms
Hay: straw
Cold: temperature
Steamy: boil
Fast: cars
Freaky: friday
Rain: go karts
Bite: me
Religion: controling

Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Height: 6' 8"

Bought: food at Ihop
Ate & Drank: fish
Watched on TV: that 70's show

--EITHER / OR:--
club or house party: house party
beer or cider: beer
drinks or shots: drinks
cats or dogs: cats
pen or pencil: pencil
gloves or mittens: gloves
food or candy: food
cassette or CD: cd
Coke or Pepsi: coke
this or that: this

color: green
animal: I don't know
soda: root beer
person: I don't know
place: Minnesota
food: I don't think I really like things
meal: I don't care
drink: I'm too indecisive to pick favorites
fruit: lemmon

look like: me, only hotter
be like: someone who can stay in school
avoid: annoying people

talked to: my parents
hugged: I don't know
instant messaged: Chris
kissed: I don't recall

eat: Whataburger
cry: alone
wish you were: Minnesota

Dated one of your best friends?: no
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? I don't think so
Run away from home? no
Broken a bone? my right arm
Had surgery? no
Played Truth Or Dare? yes
Kissed someone you didn't know?  I had meet the first girl I kissed that night
Been in a fight? I'm anticonfrontational
Come close to dying? probably

--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: St. Anger
Your bedroom like?: messy
Your favorite thing for breakfast? nothing
Your favorite restaurant?: Whataburger

What's on your bedside table?: alarm clock and a lamp
What do you raid from your refrigerator?: milk, juice, and yogurt
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: N/A
What is your biggest fear?: living in Texas for the rest of my life
What feature are you most insecure about?: I don't really care what people think of my apearance
Do you ever have to beg?: no
Are you a pyromaniac?: fire is neat
Do you know anyone famous?: I'm that tall guy you saw the other day
Describe your bed: large, unmade, and comfortable
Spontaneous or plain?: sure
Do you know how to play poker?: yes
What do you carry with you at all times?: my cell phone
How do you drive?: Garrett's still alive, so well enough
What do you miss most about being little?: living in Minnesota
Are you happy with your given name?: yeah
How much would it take for you to give up the net for 1 year?: something better to do all the time
What color is your bedroom?: I don't know
What was the last song you were listening to?: I don't remember
Have you ever been in a play?: several
Who are your best friends?: Breezy, Garrett, Luke, Kangas, Melissa, EB
Do you talk a lot?: I can
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: it varies
Do you think you're cute?: you tell me
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: I try
Lyrics of the day: monkey
Quote of the day: monkey?
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