(no subject)

Jun 21, 2006 12:40

Name: Gwyn
Age: 15
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Current Location: outside of Philadephia, PA

Hello, glamourweb members. I'm Gwyn and I'm one of your head mods. My friend Liia and I decided we wanted to make a community based on not only beauty, and not only brains, but both combined. We really got into it, and as you can see, this is how our beautiful community turned out! :)

My favorite color is green. I'm a little bit claustrophobic and arachnaphobic. I don't plan ahead well, I am not decisive. I love music of all kinds; creating it and enjoying it. I love Francesca Lia Block, the Harry Potter books...and just books in general. I adore going to the movie theater. I love the smell of the buttery popcorn and the huge screen and having a hundred people around me.

I write, play the viola, sing a little, and play volleyball. I like taking pictures that are silly and also serious. I have a coffee addiction. I am not very close with my parents. I have one older sister, Maya, who is one of my best friends, even though we are 8 years apart. I have three female best friends (my age, that is), and they are Colleen,


and Jess.

Our two other best friends we don't see very often, because Amanda moved to Boston,

(black t-shirt)
and Cristy moved to Arizona.

I like caterpillars, cats, peaches, plums, slushies, mix CDs, getting letters, have smallish parties with my friends, baking cakes, shopping (I admit it), dancing, singing, driving (well, being a passenger, anyway), watching fireworks, walking, exploring, fairies, mermaids, Disney movies, and happy endings.

I get sick a lot in the winter and I am definitly a summer girl. I dye my hair red every once in a while (it's naturally brown).

Here are some pictures of me.
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