Time for theraputic bitching

Jul 10, 2005 22:51

Hello Ljers!

I have some things on my mind that have been stirring since just before the 7/7 (as im sure theyll soon be referred to) London Bombings.

As you probably all know by now, I follow politics closely. Perhaps too closely. So much that horrible geopolitical situations have ruined entire days and weeks for me and haunt me occasionally in nightmares.

I'm currently in the process of trying to realize that its all an illusion and that I need to accept that there is very little I can do to change it. I'm going for a Zen Bhuddist, semi-nihlist perspective on the world that tries to see the ultimate "bigger picture" (i.e. there are infinite possibilities in an infinite universe in which every action I take is simultanieously of the greatest importance and highest irrelevence.)

However, these worries are deeply rooted and die hard. Perhaps talking about them and seeing how they are on paper (maybe getting some reactions) will help me get some perspective.

In the rational Western Mind of Tal, His observations of the geopolitical stage trouble him. He sees corruption, he sees abuse, he sees pain anguish and has feelings of impending doom. Few people share his views. Most people just dont seem to get it. But Tal thinks he knows it all. He thinks that perhaps He is some sort of Messiah destined to reveal to the world the error of its ways. Tal, as many (including Himself)have gathered, has some delusions of grandeur.

But he feels, nonetheless, that he has pleanty of reasons to worry and believe his own predictions regarding politics and global events. Much of the evidence he sees is from documentaries like The Corporation, The power of nightmares: The rise of the politics of fear, and the mounting evidence that discredits the 9/11 comission. He reads the news daily. He puts the pieces together. To him, they all lead him to believe that the Bush administration has the desire and the power to set up an Orwellian Totalitarian Governmental system that sets up Emmanuel Goldstiens (ie. scapegoats) and attacks its own people while blaming the attack on these scapegoats. Under the promise of saftey, these politicians take away our rights and stay in power. He is totally convinced of this and there is little anyone could really do to dissuade him of likelihood of such events taking place unless things change quickly and dramatically.

There is so much to worry about, thinks Tal. Global Warming, nuclear war, military draft, Governmental terror. The government succeds in keeping him scared and feeling helpless. Now there are these London Bombings. Tal sees them as another well coordinated conspiricy (like 9/11 and pearl harbor) aimed at manipulating public opinion into compliance with the goals of the neoconservative oligarchy to which Tony Blair is a lapdog. There is overwhelming evidence all around that these people in the highest ranks of world power should be impeached and tried as War criminals for a large array crimes including conspiricy to commit mass murder and high treason.

But alas Tal is but one person. And He is not the president of the united states nor will he likely ever be. But he IS still alive and he IS still aware. And all he knows is that he must keep living untill it is time to die. What comes in between is not completely up to him. If it needs to happen, it will. It always does. For better or worse it will and it must. My ego is just going to have to deal with that.
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