A plea for help

Jun 27, 2010 04:34

I can't believe this.  They took away my powers and now I'm having to start over from scratch.  At least they didn't get tk, not sure how I could've handled losing that one.  So now I'm having to go around, finding specials all over again, without Chandra's damn list this time, and start collecting all over again.

Which is why I find myself in this shithole of a motel, laying on a crappy mattress and practicing my latest power.  It's not great but at least it's something.  It's a weaker version of ice than the one I had before but it will do until something better comes along.  At least I'm not completely helpless, I have managed to find half a dozen powers so far.

Stopping for now, I lay back on the bed and stare up at the ceiling.  If I remember right, there's someone with fire somewhere around here.  Debating on getting something to eat, a noise outside makes me jerk up.  They can't have found me, it's impossible.  They don't have the little girl helping them anymore and I know there's no tracking devices on me, I made sure of that as soon as I could.  Could just be someone going to their room but as if I'm going to relax my guard on a maybe.  I watch the door carefully, waiting to see if someone is there or not.
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