Jan 02, 2005 22:15
if i'm going to go through all the trouble of having an account on livejournal, i should probably do more with it than leave comments on people's accounts. so, i guess i'll just post my poems here, stuff with cursing and all that shit that i can't put on my beacon blog (www.beaconschool.org/~zbochar/MT) because it's "inappropriate". so, let's kick this new whatever off with a poem from years past:
2 o’clock in the morning
if insomnia has lead to one revelation it is this
2 o’clock in the morning is a depressing time
there is absolutely nothing on television
and the only thing on the radio is
bad techno remixes of already
bad mainstream music
you can’t even think at 2 o’clock in the morning because
your failure to concentrate is due to
your failure to articulate you thoughts
cause let’s face it you’re pretty damn tired at 2 o’clock in the morning
and the only noise is that incessant droning of the clock
why must it always say tick tock tick tock tick tock
which only keeps you awake
and the counting sheep are on vacation
and you don’t care enough to write neat enough
for it to be legible in the morning
oh wait it is the morning 2 o’clock in the morning to be exact
and. it. sucks.
rhymes and such that would normally flow freely through your pen
just don’t exist at 2 o’clock in the morning
they’re sleeping in the real world just like everyone else
leaving you awake in no sleep land thinking up corny lines like
it’s 2 o’clock in the morning do you know where your children are
and twas 2 o’clock in the morning and all through the house
not a creature was stirring
except the evil 2 o’clock in the morning monster
that’s letting you get tired enough to want to sleep but
leaving you awake enough to know you’re not getting any sleep any time soon
and there’s no punctuation because who really cares at 2 o’clock in the morning
when run on sentences are accepted as normal members of society
and sensible words like sleep slumber dream and drowsy are treated as outcasts
and they accept that because at 2 o’clock in the morning no one is going to defend them
and the best part is that it is always 2 o’clock in the morning somewhere
and that just makes it all the more depressing