for this
Santa Kun advert, do you think? I am reminded of a certain classic
I Love Lucy sketch. Pimp that product! *hic*
More of the making of, because Kun loves those J-I-N-G L-E Bells! I love the detail that Santa Kun wears an Atleti kit underneath his robe, while there is an all important Argentina shirt on the chair, waiting, I imagine, for when he rides his sleigh out of Europe.
HO HO HO! *giggle hic*"
this sketch was in the sidebar to the Lucy one, if I ever need a definition of a rage blackout, I'll link to it.
If you like the Womens German NT, you might like
this. Because women have been honoring the colors too, and looking good while doing it.
All links and pics lifted from
ontd_football, natch.