dream - the mists within

Dec 05, 2006 11:23

Riku's not sure where he's found himself this time. He'd been continuing his never-ending search for Sora andorand Roxas, but apparently it'd led him off course. The place almost reminds him of the shadow realms - almost.

It's the dark halls of a cave, one which seems to be deep and almost impenetrable. There's mists all around - they occasionally tickle his nose - and there would be a lack of light, if not for the torches. Those are what convinces him that he's not exactly in Kansas anymore. Light would not survive on the other side, after all.

There's strange items in hollow alcoves along the cave wall. Riku can't exactly recognize them, but they do seem to radiate some form of important. One, a sword - another, a helmet. Another, a... dinosaur bone?

Well. In any case, it might be an interesting place to explore, if not for the fact he needed to be elsewhere. But he doesn't just want to cast an exit out, without knowing where he is. That was more dangerous than necessary.

So he starts to walk, a bit. And hope that he runs into someone.

But knowing his luck, he won't find anyone at all.

tommy, dreams, oom

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