Well damn... it looks like life happened again.

Aug 23, 2013 19:40

Hello everyone!

I know, I know, it's been bloody ages since my last update but I don't have a good excuse. I keep looking at the icons on the screens of my phone and my laptoppy thingy and thinking to myself, "I should do an update to tell everyone what's going on."

And then I don't.

Anyway, here's another tall and weird snippet for you.

My last update told of the technological woes of my laptoppy thingy. I'm please to inform you that the Mighty Prime is back on-line and rocking all the way to the memory bank. JB Hifi was a joy to deal with and they shipped it out, fixed it up, and brought it home with no fuss at all. So now I write!

Six months ago, I met a woman at a burger bar. We chatted for a while before I left without asking for her number. That same night, I tracked her down on-line and sent a message to her on Facebook. She wasn't hard to find because she was the only woman of her profession with the name she gave me working anywhere in Western Australia. I explained all that in the message. I said that I should've asked for her number and tried really hard to not sound like a stalker.

Not long ago, she responded. She remembered me and we've exchanged the odd message since.

I don't know what to do. She remembers me after six months and responds, but she goes no further? Does that make sense? I can't it see if it does. I guess, we shall see. I'm not sure where I stand but remain optimistically hopeful.

Recent writings include the peculiar man that does not understand death, and thoughts - not actual writing - on the man with lots of memories. I include that because it's all part of the craft. It's the "preparing the page" section of being a writer.

I had a weird idea about writing a How to Write a How to Write Book. It would detail the methods of describing your methods in ways interesting and motivating. I own so many writing books that I could be a very reliable source of what inspires and what don't.

Cheers my friends!

PS. I had an app idea that I know is GOLD!!! We'll call it the Bless You App and it will make the phone listen out for sneezes so that it can respond to them with a friendly "Bless you!" GOLD, GOLD, GOLD!!!
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