Jul 11, 2008 21:54
Last year i wrote this...
1. Yourself: rollercoaster(thats one word..right?)
2. Your Lover: astounding
3. Your Hair: clean
4. Your Mother: crazy
5. Your Father: solid
6. Your Favourite Item: phone
7. Your Dream Last Night: fast
8. Your Favourite Drink: coffee
9. Your Dream Home: coastal
10. The Room You Are In: messy
11. Your Pet: bitter
12. Who You Are Now: anticipatory
13. Who You Want To Be In Ten Years: myself
14. What You Want To Be In Ten Years: complete
15. What You're Not: open
16. Your Best Friend: consistent
17. One of Your Wish List Items: future
18. Your Gender: female
19. The Last Thing You Did: shower
20. What You Are Wearing: flip-flops
21. Your Favourite Weather: warm
22. Your Favourite Book: Tent
23. The Last Thing You Ate: bagel
24. Your Life: unsure
25. Your Mood: waiting
1. Yourself: fluid
2. Your Lover: exactly what i need but oh so confusing
3. Your Hair: long
4. Your Mother: my survival
5. Your Father: solid
6. Your Favourite Item: air conditioner
7. Your Dream Last Night: physically painful
8. Your Favourite Drink: water
9. Your Dream Home: coastal, windy, open, noisy
10. The Room You Are In: lived in
11. Your Pet: go away mice
12. Who You Are Now: evolving
13. Who You Want To Be In Ten Years: evolving still
14. What You Want To Be In Ten Years: satisfied
15. What You're Not: an avoider
16. Your Best Friend: vacant
17. One of Your Wish List Items: iphone. duh.
18. Your Gender: female
19. The Last Thing You Did: dress
20. What You Are Wearing: denim shorts
21. Your Favourite Weather: dry
22. Your Favourite Book: eatpraylove
23. The Last Thing You Ate: salad
24. Your Life: outrageous
25. Your Mood: hopeful