Baking At Susy's

Apr 04, 2011 17:44

(Hhehe, pardon oily faces!)

Finally found some time to upload these pictures.
My computer has been quite of a lag lately, I think its time to clear some space.
So... this was actually pre-CNY baking at Susy's place (palace).
Initially Bern, Susy & I were supposed to bake but Bern backed out last minute cause she was super tired and it ended up with Susy, her ex-colleague & me baking!
It was still fun nevertheless, my first stayover baking session ^^

Baking Agenda:
#1: Cornflake Cookies
#2: Butter Jam-filled Cookies

In Sushi's Fiat 50! So chio right the interior! Even has a sun roof :D

After shopping at Vivo's Giant

Got these from Diaso. I think its good for making those chocolate cornflakes thing too, the size is just right!
Yknw the pop in your mouth size.

Flours & such




Add cornflakes and pop them into the small tart holders.

Getting them into the oven!

Done! Crispy golden brown & slightly wet inside.
HAHAHAH. This one abit fail la but still edible :)

I was solo ranger on my jam cookies lor cause they both went out to fetch a friend.
I make the dough all alrdy then they come, hw convenient right!

Susy helping me with the jams :)

In the oven looking good!

Tried to be creative and made heart shape ones too teehee.

Done! These were good but tasted a lil too sweet! Shall cut down on the sugar next time.

Before I end this post shall bring you around susy's house in pictures!
Didnt take much la but so envious of her :(

The view opposite



Susy's Room

Lucky dog! Hahhaha see I carry him then he sho happy :D

Abrupt end hahaha hope you enjoyed the pictures :)

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