you dont do it on purpose but you make me shake

Nov 26, 2004 19:38

Lets just start by saying i've gained a thousand pounds from thanksgiving yesterday and im ready to be full for the rest of my life.

The family came up to Blacksburg to visit some of our old friends. We've been here since Wednesday night and tomorrow we are going to the tech/uva game and we get to sit on Beamers coaching bench because my dad bid at some silent auction. exciting? kinda.
However, Thanksgiving wouldn't have been the same without the massive snow piles coming from the sky while watching intently out the window. It was beautiful. Sad almost, that Chirstmas has come this fast. The year has truly come and gone and when reflecting on where I was a year ago this same holiday, I was in love and oh how it felt so good. Things have changed and one more Christmas home before moving to good old Currituck. Angry of course, but i am forced to call my new "home".
Virginia Tech is beautiful also. Except, it always is. Last night at dinner we ate with 2 professors from VT. I talked to them a lot about my application and grades, alumni and things. They said I had a decent chance considering everyone ever born in my family graduated from tech. I was hoping to see Sarah Lamay when I was up here, yet shes still at home. I do miss her..

I'm kinda ready to go home though. I miss all of my girls, yet c3 has a special way of keeping in touch regardless of where we are.
I miss amanda the most though. We enjoyed ourselves being sick together.
Speaking of, my strep is getting better, but my mono is getting worse. I dont think i'm going to be able to make it back to school before Christmas. I really want to be at school since my surgery is coming up anyways, but i dont think its going to work. Besides, I have to get better before Atlantic City, December 10th. We have nationals and it was going to be my last time ever cheering again. I have to do it actually, there is no choice. I NEED to get better. ehhh :(

I saw Polar Express today, it was really good. everyone go see it. go. now. goodbye.

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