Oh my! Y'all, this week's installment in the
IAF Annex is exactly my sort of thing! It is brilliant and evocative and messed up and yes. Seriously, I could plagiarize myself from
the IAF blog post and tell you "[t]his evocative interfiction prompts us to reflect on monsters and the liminality of experience," but I really just want to tell you "GO READ IT ALREADY. NOW."
From "
Some Things About Love, Magic, and Hair" by
Chris Kammerud:
“The thing about Allison is she hated having her name sung to her but loved Elvis Costello. She hated unicorns, too, unless they were bad-ass unicorns that used their horns to impale enemies in the heart. Also, she had hair like the Jersey shore, thick and brown and full of broken glass, among other things. Seashells, gum wrappers, plastic shovels, the occasional condom or lost child. Parts of Allison existed in other dimensions. Her ankle moonlighted as a moonlit hill in one universe, her hip, a smooth fjord in another. She was half-magic, on her father’s side, if you believe her mother. If you believe in that sort of thing at all.”
GO READ IT ALREADY. NOW. (And pre-order your copy of
Interfictions 2 - it comes out a week from today!)