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talkstocoyotes November 24 2011, 12:49:51 UTC
Yes, there's a dangerous situation coming up, some via an accidental circumstance and some stemming from Ennis still feeling like he has to prove himself to other people including David. Jack has discovered that he can't warn Ennis about it directly but can help in other ways, including reminding Ennis of a few things he's already learned since coming to Duluth.

Jack did have a short reunion with both Nathan and the older friend in Chapter 16. In his coming-of-age story in Chapter 23, David recalls the older friend as someone who's had a big impact on his outlook as a gay kid growing up. The two couples have been friends and comrades throughout a number of "life experiences", and this is someone who's sometimes disapproved of them but admires them at the same time.

Thanks for reading and thanks for your patience with this transitional chapter -- if you want to check out the earlier references --

Chapter 16: http://talkstocoyotes.livejournal.com/4685.html
Chapter 23: http://talkstocoyotes.livejournal.com/7306.html


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