Amid the Whirl of life, men often fail to remember,
But never does he, the great heart forget
In serveral each atom, that Undying Ember,
Fully permeating all, he comes - The Great Unmanifest
From the hearts of limitless Light,
From far beyond human ken,
As entracing celestial Notes, He sings,
The music of Life to men
as the mystic writings up the wall,
He awakens mankind to the Immortal call.
His are the footprints on the sands of time,
That guide the struggling bond
Of mankind in every race credd and cline,
Right up to the distant Unkonw land.
Upon the Altar of Lofty Ideals,
He is ready and joyous offering now, Life's mansion Palatial,
With the rare pillars of Truth and Love,
Gathering all earth into an affectionate kinship,
He ends forever the rule of might and kingship.
Why speak of heaven as some region superior?
Heaven prevails right and here
For beoming firm in Consciousness Supreme,
In all bosoms Immortal Bliss lights gleam.