Thinking about Life and Unlife in my idle time, jotting down some meekly leaked thoughts out of my think tank. An invisible unknown occults as antagonist between life and unlife. So called modern world has kept this unknown to be wellknown secret. There are few extensive research in Hindu mythology, but hard to understand.
Few weeks back I started an experiment by sowing seeds of Corriander, Green Chilli and Radish. Each requires different soil condition to germinate, the point of selection was quick germination to saplings. We know every seed germinates but as I had already pointed nobody knows exact procedure which converts the unlife seed to lifeful plant (a well known secret). The secret remains unshared, quibble stays soliloquy and pretend ignorance to the world. My intention was to capture the moments of germination. The unkown programs gets executed and samplings germinate. Here are they ...
Lets define a elementary function which f1 and f2
f1(unlife) = life()
f2(life) = unlife()
f1 is germination/fertilization function and f2 is elimination function. Letz name fate() as the complicated function defined by time in both life() and unlife().
Coincidentally a pigeon has layed eggs in my kitchen. It is another lazy bird which has a broken nest. Now, along with human, insects, terminates and germs, a bird too lives in my home. A secret within a secret. The eggs are under incubation, . for now it looks like this.
Coming back to the functions, rewritting the functions it looks like this
f1(life()) => f1(f2(unlife()) => f1(f2(f1(unlife())) =>f1(f2(f1(....))) .... an infinite recursion.
Hence life toggles between germination/termination birth/death, a full circle.
Reading the function carefully an amazing fact is that if f1 is executed on unlife turns lifeful. Hence if we execute f1 , one should be able to talk to all non living things around you :), just that scientists have to define f1. Lets not talk about f2 Hence define life as
LIFE -> Life Infinite For Ever => a recursion, looks interesting.
At the end the unknown remains to be uknown intact..
06 - Nov - 09