Yeah, okay

May 26, 2009 16:04

Today the California Supreme Court ruled to uphold Prop 8, which invalidates all previous same sex marriages and bans any future ones. This is what happens when judges are elected, and not appointed. They think not in terms of justice, as they are supposed to, but in terms of what will get them elected come next voting term. They forget what they are there for. They ignore the constitution upon which their country was based, and choose to rule in favour of some closed-minded, fearful bigots. For one, I think it's completely unjust to rule in favour of anything based in religion. You cannot mix religion and law. You are not catering to one faith, you are catering to an entire society. Many of the people who are pro-Prop 8 base their convictions in their religion. That and their ridiculous "this is to protect our children" argument.  They claim that if Prop 8 is repealed, their children will be taught about same-sex relationships in school, and taught that they are an acceptable form of love.
God forbid we raise our children to be open minded and accepting of the differences of others. And finally, what's so scary about redefining a word? Simply throwing in an addendum in the dictionary? Does it really make your marriage any less valid? Does it really effect your life in any way? It doesn't, unless you look for ways to make it effect you. Just ignore it if it bothers you so much. It is NOTHING to do with you who other people love.
I'm supremely pissed off. This is the height of idiocy. This is discrimination at its peak.

Ugh, I'm done. I'm just so disgusted.

prop 8, oh my fucking god is this for true

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