[Action Post] Another Day In The Life Of Grimm

Oct 14, 2011 00:07

Grimm liked the new den, he decided.

He hadn't been around it much; just because a place was fit for humans didn't mean it was fit for trolls. But his sniffing around hadn't turned up anything bad, and the nisse had moved in with no trouble. He had finally dared to enter, and soon had explored a good deal of the den.

It certainly was larger than the last. Plenty of places to curl up, and even a few that could hold meat for later. Plus, he liked the smells in the underground part.

More humans, however. He had gotten used to sharing his space with the not-human and his littermate, but now another had joined him. Though this new one wasn't too bad a human to be forced to share a den with. The big quiet one.

Who hadn't actually been so quiet, as of late. Especially at night. Grimm didn't know what to think about that. It's not as if the quiet one could bear the not-human pups, but from the sounds the not-human made when with him, it didn't seem as if that mattered.

Humans were incredibly odd creatures. And being fertile all the time was just plain inefficient.

Wandering back up to the upper level, Grimm froze as he caught a new scent.

Dog. A little dog. This den came with snacks. And he was hungry.

Creeping toward the scent was the strongest, Grimm peeked out to get a good look at the fluffy dog. Much of it was hair, but it was enough of a housedog to have some tasty fat on it.

So intent on his intended snack, Grimm missed the fluttering of wings that heralded his adversary. He wasn't able to miss the sudden pain as the devil-bird pecked at his eyes, squawking all the while, nor was he able to hold in the pained noises in response to the sudden attack. That certainly caught the glorified lunchmeat's attention, and it began yipping crazily, jumping around just out of reach.

A sudden dearth of physical sensation, and Grimm only had a moment to feel relieve at the devil-bird's retreat before he looked up and saw the not-human staring down at him, displeasure radiating from him.

Not that Grimm was scared of the not-human. Not in the slightest. It was just prudent to behave when the not-human was around. Very prudent.

One hand closed on the nape of his neck, and Grimm flinched, not daring to move more. Not when the not--human could burn him from the inside-out with that hand.

"I never mentioned it, and so I will overlook your transgression this once," the not-human said in an even, steady, utterly furious voice. "But that dog is off-limits. It belongs to the quiet human, and anything that belongs to the quiet human is as off-limits as anything belonging to me or my littermate. I will not explain this again."

Grimm just nodded furiously, and when the not-human released the scruff of his neck, he shook himself once and darted off. Finding a spot for himself in this new den was far more important, anyway. Such small animals wouldn't be worth but a bite.

troll, grimm, this akita evita, action post, i can't believe that just fucking happen

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