May 08, 2011 02:06
[Package to Astrid]
A stuffed cat and a large pile of handwritten letters, written throughout the past year.
[Package to Bestemor]
A handmade set of runestones to replace the one Astrid lost a good quarter of.
Today was rather interesting. I sent the gifts to Astrid and Bestemor today; for whatever reason, Astrid likes it better for me to send them on the date of the holiday rather than trying to send them so they arrive on it. Astrid will probably laugh at hers, and now Bestemor won't have to curse Astrid into the next year.
Valdi and I went to the aquarium after I mailed the packages. It was a bit odd--last week's visit lay between us, but it didn't feel strained. Johanna happened, but a sense of loss didn't intrude on the outing.
For all that I can say about Johanna, she made it so I have a brother, and she was the driving force behind bringing us together. And for that, I am grateful.