[MM] Tim Robbins quote

Apr 13, 2009 14:13

[Alex is itsmy_sandbox and used with permission. Set for yesterday, but I wasn’t home to write it.]

“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.”

“What are you watching?”

Marion glanced back at him over her shoulder from where she was sitting on the couch, cup of coffee in her hand as she watched TV. At first the look was skeptical, as though he should know what she was watching, the movie itself was fairly recognizable. Then that melted into a bit of a smile as she gestured for him to sit next to her on the couch. “Mary Poppins.”

Alex made a face slightly as he went, but he did, settling into the couch as Marion leaned back into his shoulder. “You got out of bed, got dressed, and came out here to watch Mary Poppins.”

“Yes,” she said with a sigh as she got comfortable, relaxing against him. “It’s one of my favorite movies.”

“When you were ten?” he suggested.

“Still is,” she said with a bit of a chuckle. “I love Dick Van Dyke.”

“Uh-huh,” he glanced back at her for a moment, before shaking his head slightly. “You know, I could probably buy you the DVD, and we could go do other things?”

“I have the DVD,” she replied. “But it’s on TV, and I want to watch it. I never said you had to watch it with me.”

Alex sighed slightly, before shaking his head and reaching over for the stack of things he had to do for work. Marion smiled at him slightly, still remaining settled in against him as she went to watch the movie.

She knew that she should probably be spending more time with her boyfriend, who she rarely ever seemed to get alone time with lately, as oppose to watching a movie from her childhood, but she really didn’t get to see it all that often either. Maybe it was just something she wanted to share with him, or maybe just the fact that she was feeling nostalgic for home and wished that she could have afforded to head back to New Jersey for the holiday, but either way, it was making her day a little brighter. And she appreciated that he wasn’t trying to take that away from her.

“Could have been worse, you know,” she said as she sat up and started stretching towards the end of the movie.

“What could have been worse?” he asked, not looking up from the paper he was editing. She smirked, before leaning in closer to him and pressing a kiss against the side of his neck.

“Could have been The Sound of Music.” Which was what was coming up next. Alex looked over at her with a small smile, before shrugging.

“I had work to do anyway.”

She nodded a bit, before pushing herself up on her knees next to him, sliding her arms around his neck as she settled in. “Are you almost finished with your work?”

He looked up at her as she did, a slight pout on his face. “Maybe. Why?”

“Well, I figured that I should thank you for being good and not bitching too much about me making you watch a movie I should have grown out of when I was ten.”

“Oh yeah?” he smirked, watching her as she took the articles he was working on and moved them down to the floor with his pen, before straddling his lap and moving in closer. “If I’m going to get thanked, maybe I should let you watch kids movies more often.”

She grinned as she leaned in to kiss him, letting him pull her in closer and slide his hands over her all over again. “Maybe you should.”

597 words

comm}: mad muses, with}: alex thomas, verse: alex}: break city heart

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