[MM] Who would win in a fight, astronauts or cavemen? Why?

Mar 02, 2009 18:49

You know, this kind of reminds me of that song, “Life on Mars.” You know: “Sailors fighting in the dance hall / oh man, look at those cavemen go.” Combine that with “Space Oddity” about astronauts, and it’s clear that this question was inspired by Bowie. But that could just be me.


I’m going to be agreeing with my brothers and saying cavemen. Why cavemen? Because-they’re cavemen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, their brains are highly evolved, but really, when it comes down to it? I’m more scared of a rabid caveman with no sense of civilization, then an astronaut who can walk, talk, and communicate like a civilized human being. A caveman is more likely to go apeshit on me for no good reason than an astronaut is.

Caveman doesn’t waste time waiting for the opportune moment. He just-attacks. That’s why he’d win.

145 words

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