In the end of 3x02 'Firewall', the team finds themselves admiring a holographic city with technology further advanced from anything they've ever seen. Where is the city? Does it even exist? Who made it? These are all questions I'm sure the journey of season three will answer us.
Going back to season one, we know from Nikola Tesla that the most advanced race ever to walk the planet was Sanguine Vampiris, or vampires. In Sanctuary's canon, these creatures were the pharaohs and Caesars of ancient civilization, and during their rule, art, literature, science, and technology all flourished. But over time, the human race began to view the creatures as 'impure' and evil (Magnus points out that with good reason, as the vampires enslaved humans), and the church began extermination. Druitt tells Ashley in 'The Five' that those who lived through the purges were made sterile.
Via some various spoiler sources, mostly Twitter and Facebook, it's been revealed that vampires will be back for season three. So what if this mysterious city is where the ancient vampires relocated after the fall of Bhalasaam? They're certainly the only creatures we know of so far with that type of advanced technology.
This brings me to an episode in the back ten of season three that will be called
Awakening (click the link for detailed spoilers). The episode involves Jonathon Young as Tesla and a vampire queen. Hmm!
So tell me what you guys think. Likely? Unlikely? Plausible? VAMPIRES! HECK YES?