Day 03
In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Looking At The GroundPerson of Interest | Reese/Finch | gifset
Many of my favourite things I've done this past year have been gifsets. This one took about 8 hours to complete, and I was pretty much smitten with it from start to finish. Their faaaaces. It kills me. All the pining.
SoulmatesLife on Mars | Sam/Gene | gifset
This poem appeared on tumblr and I just had to apply it to synchronized policing husbands. I'm still amazed by how many notes it got! My OTP lives on. I oversaturated the colours a little bit, but it doesn't detract from the overall message.
There's A Colour In Your HandsPerson of Interest | Harold/Grace/John | G-rated fic | 1336 words
Why do I love OT3s so much? I remember being giddy for at least a day after writing this one. Completely domestic fluff, with a tiny bit of angst sprinkled on top, because Reese is a giant sad puppy.