Fandom Snowflake Challenge (Day 1)

Jan 01, 2015 09:54

Day 1

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

Dust Yourself For Fingerprints And Grin
Life on Mars (UK) | Sam/Gene/Annie | NC-17/Brown Cortina/Explicit | 3676 words
Because I reread this last night just on a whim and quite objectively thought...this is pretty good. The pacing is good, the characterization is good, try as I might I couldn't find a sentence that I would change if I wrote it again. I like how Annie is in control, how she divides her attention between them, their sense of teamwork. I love the shift of atmosphere from winter cold to cosy warmth.

Harold's boyfriends appreciating his genius
Person of Interest (CBS) | Harold/Nathan and Reese/Finch | Not rated (SFW)
I finally learnt how to gif in 2014 and this is my favourite thing that I posted. Finch has shot right to the top end of my all-time favourite characters list, and people praising him just makes me happy. His humble reactions to said praise reaffirm how flipping gorgeous he is.

Slow Dance
Life on Mars (UK) | Sam/Gene | G/White Cortina
Not from 2014, unlike the first two. Because I'm still not someone who can do fanart (however much I wish I could), but I'm forever proud of how this manip turned out.

person of interest, fandom snowflake challenge, recs, public, life on mars

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